Henry (Part 2)

IMO Mira continues to pack her belongings.

This is ironic coming from you :joy:

Some of us have lawns to mow, relatives to tend to, groceries to get… Can’t spend all day watching this.

She looks as if her face is swollen and some bruises on her legs

What is Maren’s porn name? Thank you :relieved:

As far as I know she has never done porn

I have read all comments…I read that Henry did slap Mara…I am sad much a lot with this.
Why is VHTV allow Henry to sow here anytime?..violence to a woman by a man is not to be of the axeseptably?
this is not to be see again…why he not told by site to go away and never tocome back.
why MARa want to be with this nasty man?

Who is Mara?

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Exactly what I’ve been saying

It’s Mira, either the boss’s wife or just one who has to lie on her back. She’s alive, he doesn’t have a knife in his stomach either. Everything’s ok. All OK. The bottle of beer on the table, eating, picking your nose and the sweet life goes on.
Will anything happen again today? It would be a pity if I missed it all for the third time. :grinning:

I think you have the wrong participants for this realm

That comment was a direct response to a previous relevant comment.

He slaps her, she yells, leaves the apartment, comes back fucks him, today she goes to bed, don’t know if they fucked, but is walking around like things are normal, wtf kind of relationship is that

Any guy who had no issue with Henry slapping Mira, more than likely has done it to their partner in the past

Mira may ‘be back’ - but where’s the dog?

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That’s a damn good question

No doggy pad in the hall either???

Doggy bowls are in the kitchen but no doggy???

Very odd, maybe at a family friend