Henry (Part 2)

You have a golden of a heart already, haven`t you? :wink: :hugs: :kissing_heart:

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Then only one hour remains, eh? :kissing_heart: :hugs:

lets all just leave joke.lighthearted comments about @robwin s wife out of the forum pls . :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:

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I am what I am - Jeg er det jeg er. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

wo ist Henry??


Poor Henry had to get away for a break. She is too much for him…

Face à une demi folle, il ne faut pas avoir une demi molle …

The girls probably don’t have any food at home! :rofl: :joy:

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they come to there master for atonement , and he feeds them and gives them words of encouragement , after all there his wage packet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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for a moment one could have thought something is about to explode here :joy: :joy: :joy:


Add Julia to this room and you might have a functional nuclear bomb ready to blow up :rofl:

…and Henry in the middle of it: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Looks like some sort of Ghost Rider or something. :fire:

If alcohol is abused again today, the likelihood that Trisha and Gerda will become very irritable increases. And the bombs could trigger a big bang.
But so far the general still seems to have the grenades under control
:laughing: :wink:

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The really funny part is what the uncontrolability ultimately leads to. Remains to be seen. :kissing_heart: :wink:

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Henry came to pick up Gerda. He must assume this responsibility. Gerda consumes more than my car.

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We won’t see Mira again as long as Gerda is in this apartment. Help Mira, we miss you

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Gerda à une descente que je voudrais pas remonter à vélo

dont know why you would say that .last time henry and mira split up , and gerda was staying with henry ,mira came to visit and joined in the fun