Henry (Part 2)

I think she’ll get the job done!




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Oh, my good lord… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Working or wanking? :grin:

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That’s enough of internet for me


As long as you here you doing fine like me … :laughing:

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That photo was worse than my covid. Not a photo, the scene.

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These 2 participants also have their own good Moments Special in the previous Realm When was cold in the winter I used to stay late and they kept me company
PS I Hate News & I hate politics only sports

Oh I know them very well. I was trying to help finding the ring thrown through the balcony, but there were too many cigarette butts down on the lawn, funny days, never boring.

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Mira is a Beautiful Woman They remind me the Honeymooners


Mira and Henry have degenerated into an old, boring couple. Sometimes with lots of guests, yes, but there are no sexy parties like before. They just lie around or s___p or Henry plays around on the PC.

Мира и Генри стали скучной старой парой. Да, иногда бывает много гостей, но нет таких сексуальных вечеринок, как раньше. Они просто лежат или спят, или Генри играет на компьютере. Мне не нужно тратить на это деньги.

Mira and Henry have just become genuinely very boring at their own will. To put it like that. :joy:

Henry simply used up the powder that should have lasted him until old age. And here we see where this leads… :joy:

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Oh, what can I say? Getting to the middle age definitely has its own kind of unwanted disadvantages. You just can not escape it really. :joy: :sweat_smile:

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Define middle age… :sweat_smile:

Sound like we talking about cheese like Gouda? :joy::joy::see_no_evil:


Well in this special case I will leave that definition up to your own free interpretation. :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: