Henry (Part 2)

I’m totally amazed Debbie


Mira fängt an ihre Koffer auszuräumen und Henry träumt davon ihr zu helfen.

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No, they are not flat :wink:

To early for Henry yet, come on :laughing:

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Mira working hard cleaning the Bedroom & the whole Realm :revolving_hearts:

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While Henry working hard on the computer…

Maybe we should donate a few coins so the two of them can get some rest… :joy:

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Ik dacht Debbie op de sex toer maar het is maar borsten likken

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Nearly 6am and he is still on that b___dy computer, the mans mad or obsessed. :joy:
Still he will be in bed all day soon :joy:

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He was addicted to sex and booze, now he’s addicted to e games.
Thank you Mira :wink:

Sounds like your jalous!

not at all

Is Mira bringing back the things she took to the other apartment?

In a way, not the same when Sheldon speaks Russian in “The Big Bang Theory” ! :rofl: :innocent:

Kaley Cuoco aka Penny would be a good add-on for VHTV. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Same as Melissa Rauch aka Bernadette. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Maybe a little bit incorrect to say it, but I actually would not mind that scenario at all. :joy: :joy: :joy:

In terms of age she would match Henry… :sweat_smile:

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I would say she’s still hot, although she had a phase with lots of a_____l, that ruined her appearance for a while.

But that would make her even more Henry-compatible. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Wiki says * 30. November 1985 almost a milf for Henry, if you listen to his project-age. :rofl: :rofl: