Henry (Part 2)

I Want to Work as a Director 4 VHTV.

Nahhh no chance, you are probably too honest :laughing:

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As I said at the beginning, this has happened once or twice before ā€¦ she always comes back

Henry waits for the last scene Please put all lights onā€¦

Never saw Henry rapping :rofl::rofl:

Henryā€™s never been up so early he will need a good 12 hrs s___p now to get over all the effort. :laughing:

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Heā€™s spared up that painful experience :laughing:

hes the russian EMINEM

Has Henry really been rapping before? I sure would like to observe that. :heart_eyes:

Suppose we shall to put up with Debbie & Paulā€™s continuing explosive appearances :rofl:

What a load of bollocks. They also broke the loggia door on purpose got violent and went offline only for that? Come on. :thinking:

only when food is available

wow come on Jabbs language :rofl:

All the posts made in the last hours are just pure speculations and made up bsā€¦

Yeah, for sure. They are no doers in front of camera. I have not seen them performing anything yet. :heart_eyes:

so just a normal day on the forum then :rofl:

Oh come on some of us ainā€™t as stupid as you think we are Jabs, maybe a load of bollocks to you but in the real world makes perfect sense to many of us.
As back in the prime previews now :laughing:
If it was that bad VH would have taken far more action against them, no, sorry, all a big con and you know it as well but will never admit it.

Please someone from the Forum invite Blondie 4 Tonight

Donā€™t worry, there will be an influx of new talent now you mark my words. :laughing:

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I recall a party at TJIK where Henry was singing to a guitar,

after that I donā€™t want to see i.e. hear him rap. :rofl: :rofl: