Henry (Part 2)

There is a saying in my Village. … the pot turned over & found its own Cover

Makes you wonder as if the fight, or whatever it was, was not prearranged just to give renewed interest in the Henry & Mira business model as it has been flagging a lot lately.
Nothing like a bit of scandal to boost the viewing figures eh.
Which is probably why VH haven’t taken any action against them as they were in on it as well.
And most of the suckers on here fall for it and fall back in line to watch them again. :rofl:

would not surprise me mate get everybody going nuts talking about the realm they are now back on top which equals more money :rofl::rofl: vetrans arnt they 6 years experience no the system inside out

It start to look like a TV series…

Yep all a great big con :roll_eyes:

Separation anxiety does not seem to be an immediate problem. Not in this particurlar case. Was that a bit too directly said? :hugs:

Don’t you mean a soap opera or is it a comedy series :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

never heard the expression the long con :eyes::eyes: seems very fitting here

I thought it was starting to look like an adult site lol well in the cam area and as for here, yes soap opera as usual

maybe Woody Allen is the director…

Yep now M&H all touchy feelly in the bath now, what a fucking joke eh, unbelievable.

its worked tho hasnt it there number 1

Better than a Morecombe and Wise sketch or is it the two Ronnies :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t like this position, almost nothing is seen


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showing you age there mate :rofl::rofl:

Yep certainly has this time but you can only cry wolf so many times, though i suppose for the sex mad members it makes no difference as long as they get their viewing fix :rofl:

Yep the halo slipped a bit there :rofl:

When The Female Guest wakes up won’t be able to remember anything… and they will tell her you are the maid clean up… Realm and then 3Some all together …

Certainly explains why VH took no action against them and why Jabbath was so quick in the first place to change the apartment name. They were all in on the scam.

Suppose we all now wait for all the flags to appear and posts being hidden as the truth hurts no doubt. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: