Henry (Part 2)

no m8 this time mira sent him as thats where she is staying at kanos ,she sent kano to fuck a good night up , :rofl: :rofl: and no this is not ā€œspeculationā€ this is a metaphor , :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face:

I wonder if Anyu and Gerda could be related?

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trust you to come in and get all inquisitive :rofl: but pray tell what gives you that co :rofl: :rofl:nclusion

tell the truth whatever happens henry canā€™t digest itā€¦(you have a deep hatred for him)ā€¦

thats a bit strong , i dont think @robwin as any hatred towards henry more like a dislike , so think you need to choose your words wisely The difference between dislike and hate is12345:

  • Dislike is a feeling of distaste or aversion.
  • Hate is an intense, extreme dislike towards a person or a thing.
  • Hate is related to other sensations like violence and anger.
  • Dislike is not related to any violent feelings.
  • The things that we say that we hate, as opposed to dislike, are transmissible, lead to false attributions, and motivate violent crimes.

He tries to hide his interest behind some usually a bit sarcastic comments. But I canā€™t see any hatred

or between me and you , he actually loves Henry ,but his masculine altoo ego wont allow him to admit it . could be some secret jealous manlove at play :rofl: :rofl:

Wow what makes you think i hate him, have said before hate is a very strong word.
I think he is an idiot but certainly donā€™t hate him.

I might go even further and say he is a sex crazed idiot but then there could be hint of jealousy creeping in somewhere :crazy_face:

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whoa slow down all these recent admissions is going to blow your reputation right out of proportion m8 ,

I might think he certainly behaves like with a certain stupidity from time to time. But I don`t have any aversion or hate against Henry. That is my little admission. :slight_smile:

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Dead right, gotta protect some sense of reputation here, that mask might be slipping a bit :laughing:.

henry as been the same sinse he joined the project back in october 2017 , he as always been a bit of a loose cannon around the opposite sex and on a few occasions the same sex , almost 6 years on and no change , so i just cant see anyone actually hating him or they wouldnt be using this topic , if anything if it wasnt for henry this part of the forum would be bland , he as encouraged more women to get naked than Hugh Heffner and that as been good for us as viewers

Why do you have to keep coming up with those b___dy rational statements :laughing:, but you are so right as there ainā€™t many apartments/guys that seem to provide the same amount of interest and widely confllcting views.
Having said that the stock (for want of a better word) of women available to him in recent months does seem to have declined sharply.
His magnetic pole attraction does seem to have declined rather sharply in recent times.

could be something to do with the new medication docs put me on .they are supposed to increase oxygen to the brain , probably just dusted a few cobwebs of the cogs up there , as for the lack of women of late could be due to restrctions by mira in a volatile relationship, maybe now if they have really split up .maybe the old henry returns

Well as they always say pal just keep taking the tablets :laughing:
This Mira saga is really doing my head in TBH, just canā€™t fathom out really what the fuck is going on as when they see each other itā€™s still kissy kissy and whatever else.
Have said before i think they are both as bad or confused as each other.
Anyway gotta spend an hour with the missus now before i get in the black books, again :laughing:

Staying friends and fuck buddyā€™s is all I can think off :man_shrugging:

Yeah could well be :laughing:

but havent they always been that , really cant see how there marriage was anything other than a convenience

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That becomes like staying fucking good friends forever. :hugs: