Henry (Part 2)

Good on you pal, much respect :+1:

An unexpected visitor
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These two make me laugh, apparently they have split up but then she just lets herself in through a locked door, strips off and then gets into bed with him. :rofl:
He is that deep in s___p he has no idea she is there despite her rolling him over to get a bit more room in the bed. :smile: :smile: :smile:

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as i said yesteray i dont believe the marriage is over i believe mira is living away from the camera’s and becoming a guest

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Well whatever eh, too much for my little brain to get my head around and ain’t even gonna try :crazy_face:

yes your head might explode and we dont want that do we :rofl::rofl:

Wouldn’t do these two any harm to get off their asses, along with many others on here, and do a full days work :smile:

lol no chance of that mate its 2023 not the 80s times have changed :rofl:

Very true, too many over here who have never known what a days work is and content living their lives off benefits paid for like stupid fuckers like us.
Even on my pensions i am still paying b___dy tax which helps fund these lazy fuckers. :roll_eyes:
Rant over :smile:

spot on mate its all these young kids making a living sitting infront of a camara on youtube making good money that started it all about 15 years ago and since then its getting worse and worse you are spot on with the benefits the doal is at a all time high England is in bad shape mate

anyway back to topic before we get told off

s__t mira just had another fit smacked her head on windowsill on her way down falling

She is having problems. I don’t know what just happened but Henry was involved in the loggia. Now she’s in bed having issues. WTF happened?

shes epilectic

that was some bang aswell and dont think henry knows about her banging her head , think that needs to be checked if poss

Ah gotcha, poor girl. That’s stuff is no joke. Hope it passes quickly.


feel bad about posting that pic of her yawning now , had to delete it

Well whatever happened has been cut from the time line.
They seriously want to get out of this game if either of them value Mira’s health, rather sad really when all he seems to care about is where his next fuck is coming from. :cry:

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I must say these attacks Mira has seems to be getting more frequent in recent times.
The first attack we saw was in their original apartment where she fell and cut her cheek quite badly.
It was a long long time, years i think, before we saw her next one now it’s at least two she has had this year. May even be three
They really want to be taking her health a lot more seriously i think.

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lack of s___p is one of the main things that bring on an episode for epileptics , my guess is to many late nights recently