Henry (Part 2)

Henry looks like a lost soul. Letting it all hang out and the guests are not interested. I think it may eventually sink in exactly what he has lost. I could be wrong. But he looks miserable at the moment.

It was a very unfortunate night for Henry. Two new female guests in the house for several hours, but no one was interested :unamused:

Mientras no olvide lo del brazo en el ano me retiro de este Reino, me voy con mi amelie

Donde está Mira?

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Trisha ist sowas von besoffen und das schon der 3 Tag hintereinander, nur noch traurig!

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Henry reminds me of the song “Good Time Charlie’s Got the Blues”.

There is a recent (5years) cover of that song by Steve Forbert

Ständig besoffen ist auch regelmäßig gelebt :slight_smile:

“You know my heart keeps tellin’ me
You’re not a kid at thirty-three
You play around you lose your wife,
You play too long, you lose your life”

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Looks like their relationship is over, only time will tell “if” they can mend their marriage. There is a lot to read :point_up_2: but basically he blindsided her with a secret relationship with Gerda (the girl staying at Alida’s) . She left, came back a few days later but things went down hill again. She threw his (and I think possibly :man_shrugging: ) her wedding rings out of the window and left.

wonder where hes going tonight ? think theres only 1 person who might be glad to see him , and if that fails he can always get fisted again without going anywhere ,

Ciao Mira, è stato bello poterti ammirare in questo ultimi anni., Ora è giusto che tu faccia quello che ti senti. Sii te stessa. Mi mancherai molto ma sono contento di saperti padrona di te stessa. Ti auguro ogni bene.
(Translation with Google :frowning: Sorry)
Hi Mira, it was nice to be able to admire you in recent years., Now it is right that you do what you feel. Be yourself. I will miss a lot but I will miss a lot but I’m happy with knowing masters of yourself. I wish you all the best.

you do realise thats henrys account

Yes, but I’m sure she’s using it, and Henry is reading it too.

i dont think theres been a time where mira as commented on this forum ever ,its always been henry commenting , might be wrong , but need to see proof if anyone says otherwise

When the lights go out …the music stops & everyone leaves I’m left alone Then I remember you…
I ask myself why … why did we come this far I don’t get an answer no matter how hard I try I haven’t forgotten you …



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Who cares now as it’s all up the s__t chute anyway, talk about self destruction big time eh.
In a way i feel sorry for him but he’s brought it all on himself without any help from anybody else.


He doesn’t seem to be unhappy to me.