Henry (Part 2)

200mg !!! B___dy hell !!! The recommended maximum is 50mg a day ! :bone:

Was that salt she put on the prawns or something else? :laughing:

Been gone a couple of hours and fuckalls happened yet, still had a sneaking feeling that may happen.
Oh dear dear dear :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Brunettes gone to bed poor dear FFS, whatever next? :laughing:

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Not a Henry failure surely, what’s the old bugger losing it? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Where’s Gerda when you need her or has she sussed him out? :laughing:

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Well this is a bit of an anti climax thank god i haven’t watched for a few hours :laughing:

I was about to say that the blonde is miles away out of his league, but i might need to eat my words later :laughing:

only if he gets he _____ enough

Yeah, women love to hear about your ex’s.

They both did now :sweat_smile:

Lol, they took the _____ and tried to fuck off but Henry did catch them before exiting the door :rofl: :joy: :joy:

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Henry is now on his own. Get used to it Henry not every woman is going to put up with your behaviour for long. If Mira can walk out others will follow. You had it all and blew it.

I will be miss too


it about time someone goy one over on him

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Miss you Mira

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Get your own place Mira :+1:


Wow. Simply incredible

[quote=“Stanton172132, post:2147, topic:29897”]
Get your own place Mira