
Correct Abe,what hurts me most is i could not not help that girl and still plays on my mind

bit fitter than him lol


Exactly. Every time I see this guy, I have the r__e scene in mind

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So I suggest you stop watching him for the sake of your mental health.

Sorry Bluewinner but I don’t see any positive in keeping the three there and changing names is quite deceptive irrespective of whose idea it was. Certainly I feel sorry for Amels at this point because she has been put in a position to try and raise ratings all while a lot of people won’t attend this place while those three still have any part of it.

I don’t see how it’s deceptive, these three had no problem staying on VH under their previous arrangement. If they were banned, and then they came back with different names pretending to be someone else, I could see your point, but the only thing that was changed is the apartment’s listing name. and I don’t think they have any problem with getting views if they actually do some stuff worth watching, their party last night was a success and they remained on top 6 ( No1 for the most part ) during the primetime. I call it positive as the addition of the new girl seems to be working for them, and it seems it has motivated them to have fun and get views instead of lazying around 24/7.

You say that they “had no problems staying” well if that is true then there wouldn’t have been a name change, IMO they changed the names because a proportion of viewers stopped watching and those that don’t come to the forum would have thought it was new people not existing, basically it is similar to how Scott managed to stay when they changed his place to Ben and then to Kazentip.

Sorry Bluewinner, I see it similarly. This is old wine in new bottles.

What has changed except the room name?

There is only one more guest here, who is supposedly the main member. It is _____ under new names equally strong a_____l.

If you were honest, you would say the 3 people are burned on VHTV. It seems that many users no longer want to look at them.

A new beginning would be the only right solution without the 3 people. If you don’t want to or can’t do that, you should leave the old name with all consequences.

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If someone has no knowledge of what happened in this place ( I believe this is true for the majority of the subscribers ) the name change will have no effect on them. and if someone already knows about them and has made up their minds , this will not change their decision as they are able to recognise them at first glance. The only thing that has change here is the introduction of the new girl, which has had a positive impact so far.

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Why did they change Asher’s name to Evan if they aren’t being deceptive?

So answer this question ; if you were against these people and you decided to boycott them, will the name change make you reconsider your decision ? If your answer to that question is “No” then you agree with me that this has no effect.

With the change, new subcribers may not know their association with the previous apartment because any reference to it is now archived. If they kept the apartment as it was, new subcribers will be able to read about them and decide if they still want to follow them.

Asher wasn’t his official name. I had chosen that name for him for the purpose of saving moments to the Archive. perhaps he didn’t like that name, or he really liked Evan. it’s not the first time that guests choose a different name than their given name when they join and become official participant. For instance Flora used to be called " Zelenda " before becoming participant.

Well since you named him that, that’s what we knew him as.

Only about 1 in 50 subscribers are active on the forum, so that really isn’t a big deal. and those who are active on the forum will read this topic and find out about their history. there has already been more than 50 comments discussing just that on this topic.

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Yes, but like I said, it’s up to them to accept the name or choose their own, in this case he has decided to go with Evan.

I am a friend of honest games and not a “trick scam”.

It was interesting that even VHTV assumed that new people would come. In my opinion, that speaks for itself.

On the question, yes, even if they call themselves “Max & Moritz”, it is still the 3 people who have done things that I do not like. (to put it kindly)

That’s the point I am making, if someone has made up their mind to not watch/support this realm, the name change won’t make them reconsider their decision, so it will not fool/deceive anyone.

The question now remains, have they v_____ed conditions? The 3 people had bans on hard a_____l and I think it doesn’t matter what the person calls himself now, right?

The question should also be allowed, why do you rename yourself if you don’t change anything? Is this perhaps hoping to deceive people? (I agree with you that it does not work forum!)