Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

TV says, Putin has declared, that he put his nuclear f___es in alert, as a reaction to the aggressive behaviour of NATO.

I feel threatened and scared.

That is what he wants. We should not back down now… :muscle:

Why have you put Putins face on my picture. :rofl:

It looked more like Troy :rofl:

In South Florida people would slap you in the face for that.

They would have a longer walk than Troy :slight_smile: :rofl:

Zelensky is willing to talk. (CNN) (at Belarus border)

Russia in this moment sounds really desperate.

Well I suddenly want to move to the middle of buttfuck,nowhere…instead of being in a capital…

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I hope someone assassinates this cunt before he brings about nuclear winter… :pray:

It wasn’t funny then, and it sure is’t funny today.

Oekraïne zegt met Rusland te gaan
onderhandelen.Dat meldt het kantoor van president Zelensky. De gesprekken worden volgens het kantoor van de president
gevoerd zonder voorwaarden.

De twee landen gaan elkaar volgens het kantoor van de president spreken op de grens tussen Wit-Rusland en Oekraïne.Er is nog geen bevestiging van Russische

De afspraak zou zijn gemaakt na een
telefoongesprek tussen president
Loekasjenko van Belarus en Zelensky,zo meldt het Oekraïense leger.Het is nog
niet duidelijk wanneer beide partijen
elkaar ontmoeten.


Russia and Ukraine have agreed to peace talks. The meeting will take place on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, the Presidential Office in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev announced on Sunday. There are no conditions. Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko took responsibility for ensuring that all planes, helicopters and missiles stationed in Belarus remained grounded during the Ukrainian delegation’s arrival. A time was not initially mentioned.

The Russian delegation had previously announced that they were ready. “The Russian side and the Russian delegation on the ground are fully prepared for the negotiations,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. The head of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, made a similar statement.

So far, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has rejected negotiations in Belarus. The neighboring country is not neutral, he said as justification. Lukashenko admitted that two rockets had also been fired at Ukraine from Belarusian territory.

However, Zelenskyy later phoned Lukashenko. As the Belarusian state agency Belta reported, Lukashenko then suggested to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone call that the Russian delegation should wait longer in Gomel for the Ukrainians than originally planned. Moscow initially gave Kiev an ultimatum until 3:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. CET) – and announced that it would leave again after that.

The fact that most Trump haters always say I hate his tweets.They wouldn’t be able to quote one if they had to.

Another demonstration in Amsterdam at the moment. I don’t think it will help. Maybe some people in Ukrain will see this and similar demonstrations today around the world. They will know they are not alone. Russia is alone. Which is a shame because all (all!) Russians I know are good people. Just as good as we are. When you look at history it is almost as if destiny is having a laugh with them for centuries now.

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Минобороны РФ:

— Украинские военные в пригородах Киева начали массово применять боеприпасы с фосфором.

— В Мариуполе штурмовые отряды запрещённого в РФ “Правого сектора” терроризируют мирных жителей, размещают бронетехнику и артиллерию в жилых кварталах, используя население в качестве “живого щита”.

— В Северодонецке Луганской области националисты пытаются остановить отступающие подразделения, угрожая расстрелом. Уже убито четыре офицера.

NATO SG Jens Stoltenberg on Putin’s nuclear threats, talking to CNN just now: ‘This is part of Russia’s aggressive stance in recent weeks. This is dangerous rhetoric. We’re facing a new normal for our security.’

if true nato is now not bound to past agreements with russia then wouldnt that mean putin now has Nothing to loose? all or nothing frame of mind?