Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yes NATO in the past decades did not always treat Russia fair. I give you that point. BUT all that would have been solvable by diplomacy. Putin choose the way of barbaric war now. Means NATO now is no longer bound to any agreements or treaties they had with Russia. Putin achieved exactly the opposite he wanted. Now there will be as much NATO troops near his country like never before .

Putin orders to arm nuclear weapons.

It was nice knowing you all.

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Fucking 10 characters!!

all this happen simply cause UKRAINE was going to get to NATO, if Ukraine says ok we dont go to NATO ,this war would never started. now Ukraine want full freedom to do whatever they want, (i support that, but unfortunately geograficaly that is very bad for a super power as Russia) and Russia would not allow it no matter what. now as much Ukraine holds Putin will be coming back will take weeks months years i dont know, but i know, that Putin would fight the entire world than leting Ukraine go to NATO. now that the war is hapening the best case scenario is Ukraine make a deal that they wont go to Nato and hope Putin to accept this terms, worst case scenario Putin want his own pupet President, and obeying the wishes of Russia.depending how costly is the terms for peace is between those otpions best just no Nato worst whatever Puttin wish.

Didn’t they do this with Cyprus in 1974 and now 40% of Cyprus is under Turkish control?

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Well, just remember US-Vietnam or Soviet-Afghanistan war. in both cases the mighty armies of US & Soviet union were defeated and had to go back where they came from. They just need to resist this invasion with everything they got.

vietman=jungle Aghanistan mountains cave. Ukraine= flat as Maddys breast.

So now the nuclear weapons will be rattled.

Fucking mad world.

So far they have done well above everyone’s expectation.

Let’s hope there is at least 1 person in the vicinity of Vladimir who wants to save the world.

There is one word to describe this man and I have been beaten in the UK for saying this as a c___d by my m____r and as an adult in an insult to another person.

He is a CUNT, but he is a clever cu**, as he is testing the waters for the west’s reaction and he has to be seen to remain strong, and words and actions like this are his modus operandi and nothing unusual.

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He said he is increasing readiness of nuclear f___es. That is what I heard. Probably to scare the west and NATO

Nothing Unusual? I beg to differ.

Greece at that time was under a military regime after a coup. Losing Cyprus was the decisive moment that make the regime to call politicians from the exile to form a goverment of national unity. Also cyprus was at that time an independent nation. The fatal mistake of Greece was that the Greek goverment attempted a coup to overthrow the president Makarios and to put a puppet this gave a reason to Turkey to invade

Putin said three days ago that any interference will be met with action like the world has never seen before. Or something similar and as I said he says things that others don’t dare to say as threats, that’s who he is, a c*^t.

Does anyone have a translation?


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I know all that, and then they gave up.

Anyway, nothing to do with this conflict.

Anyway i think that the Ukranians should keep fighting to defend their homes and families and not to think that negotiations will make russians to stop