Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s first condition, the Minsk talks…who would have thought.

Zelenski wants negotiations, but not in Minsk Zelenski also says he will not hold talks with Russia in Minsk, Belarus. But he leaves the door open for negotiations in other locations. “Of course we want peace, we want to meet, we want the war to end. Warsaw, Bratislava, Budapest, Istanbul, Baku - we offered them to the Russians. Any other city would suit us too, as long as it is in a country from whose territory missiles are not flying at us. That is the only way negotiations can be fair and really end the war”, says Zelenski.

And he is right. He should neither go to Belarus nor to Russia to negotiate. We know how easily the Russians poisoned people before…

In a trench, if he had set foot on enemy territory, he would have been captured or k__led. He is not stupid, of course.

And with such conditions, Russia is showing that it does not care about talks, it is just putting on a good face. They want Ukraine destroyed and captured.

Russia has just announced that it will not stop the invasion for the duration of the negotiations.

C’mon, tell me that they really do care about the negotiations. Sand in the eyes.

voici le texte publié par la jeune femme qui a peint le tableau qui est dans la pièce de travail de Kira Head chakra 6⃣ “I have the right to think”

The gland of internal secretion here is the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

It’s getting worse… Pootain will never stop…and we have nothing, and to be honest, nothing keeps us “here”, but he has something to protect - a huge loot

Thank God, I haven’t finished my medical education yet, and they won’t take me to the war. Many doctors are already being taken away today… it seems that the war is very long, and this is especially sad…

Today I think that going to prison is still better than going to war… I will never let my husband fight for Pootain’s palaces, I will die, but I will not allow it. We have nothing to lose. And I am glad that I have lived my life, I am glad that there was so much good in it, I was glad to share the beauty with you… kind and light. They say that somewhere they are already being instructed how to dig mass graves… it seems that it was already in 1941-45. in 1937, my great-grandf____r was shot only for his German origin. He left behind his 7 c___dren. It is not known how, but many of them survived, and one of them was my grandf____r. They experienced discrimination and contempt for their German last name. But they were not to blame for anything. just Russian Germans…

My life has been split for a long time - first was when my best friend was put in prison: a fabricated case against him (it’s so popular theme here), then a pandemic began - but I didn’t care anymore, I survived it relatively easily and without emotions, and here again is the pain that negates all your efforts in this life… one of them is my shop on Etsy. I have to close it, because physical goods will not be able to be delivered, and I don’t know if they will ever be able to now… I can only put electronic files, but there are no moral f___es, cause they can close paypal and Instagram at the same time… outcasts…

Well, I am grateful for such a life in which I managed to help someone and please someone, make someone smile… I will try to help everyone who will truly need it until the end of my days, because I already believe that I have not lived my life in vain. And I repeat it again- no war…thanks

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Jesus Christ…


Nice hit :muscle: :ukraine:

As predicted, Ukrainian refused negotiating talks due to Russians conditions.

"The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced the creation of an international foreign legion for volunteers from abroad. He invited everyone who wanted to “join the resistance to the Russian invader and defend world security.”

I know of eight Polish guys who have gone to Ukraine to fight and also Moldolvian men are signing up as well as they fear it will spread to their country.

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the reality is that Putin uses minimal f___es, as he is trying to avoid inocent casualties and propably save public image as much as possible. (yes i know there was some misbihave from some troops) if Putin wanted to take Ukraine by real f___es Ukraine woud fall in a matter of hours.thats a fact.

unfortunately NATO cant do s__t as it would just be the begining of third world war.

the best solution is for the Zelensky to negotiate the best circumstances for the Ukranian people,as this war is already lost for them.

yes of course what Russia does is despicable, but they also know that they can get away with that, as they know nobody will do anything.

the real evil here i think is NATO they started this when they knew how it could turn out, and now they are like “sorry we cant do anything” and leting Ukraine to be sacrifised.

So what is your point? You are saying that you understand why NATO cannot do anything, but then you blame them for doing what you understand, strange logic. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

my point is that NATO underestimate things, went to “promises” of Ukraine joining NATO but when the s__t started NATO is backing off.

NATO didnt expected Putin to start a war, i wasnt expecting it, i think nobody was expecting it. and now NATO is just leaving Ukraine in their doomed faith.

do you really think if Russia would use b____l strong artilery Kiyv would not fall in a matter of hours?

There are rumours the 13 men on Snake island are still alive.

Some of us did even before this topic started.

A month ago I warned Lucas and Amelie to pack their stuff and run away.

When it was said that the Russians had finished their exercises and were packing up, I pointed out that this was just a cover. I also pointed out the misconceptions about how Biden is senile and has no idea what is going on. Even if he is, the intelligence agencies are getting the information. Jabb and I had some back and forth discussion.

When they struck, I said that they were not going to stop at the edge of the amnestied countries, but wanted to capture the whole country. If I am not mistaken, even in this topic.

And I’m certainly not alone.

I was surprised by how much ridicule there was when the intelligence agencies warned…

I saw a post on tiktok from a US girl who was saying the same but she hasn’t backed it up with any hard proof. I believe CNN has also reported this as preliminary statement. I hope they are all alive

As a man i think the most logical thing to do for ukrainians is to negotiate to reach the best terms. As a Greek man if my goverment did that while i was fighting i would k__l them as traitors

first thing is to be able to see things realisticaly. can Ukraine by them selfs win this battle? if yes keep fighting!!! my heart and my prayers are with you.

if Ukraine cant beat Russia, than what they want to acomlpish, in this scenario i see two outcomes, to send a message of how evil Russia is and how proudly and bravely they fought and died. try to explain this to m____r and sisters who their sons and brothers would die, (when Leo said to Bella that he gonna go to war she got hysterical of loosing him, and the s__t she said about this war means nothing for her if he dies).

and the second outcome is just to negotiate and try to get the best they can.whatever that means,cause unfortunately Ukrainians are screwed big time right now, and its not their fault, its NATOs fault.

I’m watching live at the border between Ukraine and Poland. My heart is broken…


The goal is to hold them off long enough til it gets too painful for them. The Russian army is not a dynamic and fast army and can’t be deployed fast. It will take a long time til supplies and new motivated men arrive there. Their goal has to be to make it so painful for Russia that they will agree to negotiations where both sides have the same position. Not even Putin can cover up thousands of dead soldiers. He failed to do that with the man die in the “Kursk” and that were not even 200. There will be a lot of questions for him very soon.

I tottaly agree with you the realistic thing is to negotiate the best terms. But if i was fighting to defend my country i would be furious if my goverment surrender while i am able to hold them for the time being. Maybe i am not the best to express a cold b___ded and a realistic opinion because of the condition Greece has with Turkey and Greece historical backround but this is how i feel