Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

It did come off as a bit insensitive towards what the people of Ukraine are going through right now, but I don’t think @Stinky240 meant it to be.

Interesting LIVE coverage.

It was meant as a joking reference to the philosophical thought experiment of switching cause and result, as we know so well from Einsteins quantum theory. But I guess this topic is also not about that either.

Well, if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bulls__t.

Trump made the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan and Biden was happy to go with it. The withdrawal was botched and Biden is not great but unlike Trump he is not in thrall to Putin. Thank God Trump is not President - if anything he would want to support Russia - he has already praised Putin for the invasion.


Last warning. This topic is not about Trump or not Trump. All further posts about him will get moved.

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It is only 3.44am where I am, I guess 5.44 in Kyiv. No major invasion of the city so far. If the resistance can stop the invaders another night, things are looking pretty bad for Putin. Still early days I know, but hope is all we have.

Very frustrating all the “live coverage” which is just repeating old info. Maybe in a way that’s what it feels like on the ground there too.

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JMO I believe that more weapons and fighters from other countries will come. Than they will have more than just hope. They will have a chance… Слава Україна. Слава Героя.


Why do they keep bringing up these guys for?!? This war has nothing to do with them or any other countries. Why does the world expect anything from the USA?!? It’s ridiculous. Everyone should then expect the same from their own country and stop relying on just one.

Don’t assume that any of these people really care to have a discussion about “these guys.” Posters have all sorts of agendas. One common agenda is to confuse and turn any attempt at real discussion into a jumb__d mess. Heck, even bots can be created to just react to keywords with canned inflammatory statements for the whole purpose of pushing the train off the track. A good example is when I mentioned a certain “guy’s” name in the context of swift payment system and it immediately spawned 3 completely irrelevant responses. In fact, some of your own opinions in your post are of the same variety. You could be the real fake news here.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announces that a Russian delegation is ready for talks with Ukraine and has already arrived in Belarus. The delegation includes representatives of the foreign and defence ministries and members of Putin’s office. The Ukrainian delegation is waiting in the Belarusian city of Gomel. (source: Ifax)

If Russia’s conditions are the same as last time, that the Ukrainians should first lay down and surrender all their weapons, then this makes no sense.

That’s good news. I hope there be a ceasefire soon. they need to stop this madness.

An analysis of the document that was allegedly intercepted, which speaks of 3 phases of attack and after each phase Ukraine was to be offered peace. On Russian terms, of course.

There is so much deception everywhere that you simply cannot know what is true and what is not.

Yeah, that’s true. It’s not easy to guess what their true intentions are.

If there are really to be talks, it should be done in a mutually agreed upon location with representatives also from Nato countries – AND – televised.

I want to see it all. Seriously. The time for secret negotiations are over.

They are just laughing. Ukraine will never come to Belarus for talks as they are just a platform Russia invades Ukraine from. And they decline any other country in the world to be used for discussion

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I am 99% sure that nothing will be negotiated because of Russian and Ukrainian conditions. The Ukrainians want their country back, integrated seamlessly into Europe, Russia wants an unarmed buffer zone. And the way all the agreements and treaties have collapsed, nobody trusts anybody anymore anyway.

If only we could agree on a ceasefire, because innocent people, above all, are dying and going without everything every minute.

I am looking at the footage of Russian soldiers. Young, disoriented, scared, k__ling their own people… and being k__led, burnt, far away from their loved ones.

I am a pacifist at heart, I hate all weapons and such acts are unthinkable to me. How scared or brainwashed do you have to be to give your life on foreign soil for a deluded rich puppet?

It is amazing how primitive humanity is in thinking of its superiority on this planet. The Matrix is right, we are nothing but a virus on the planet.

Yes for some of them this might be true. However their army now is targeting civilian buildings and infrastructure which is considered to be war crimes. So the ones ordering and the ones executing these kinds of attacks should really burn in hell :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: