Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

No they blocked the Tor browser, so their advice to download it is stupid, because they cannot download it from Russia.

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Yes that I know. I thought Twitter is completely blocked…

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Yeah they blocked it recently.

Turkey has said they have not blocked Russian passage into the black sea but this is under consideration .


During the President Erdogan-Zelenskiy meeting, Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine and the latest developments were discussed.

During the meeting with Zelenskiy, President Erdoğan stated that they are making efforts to declare a ceasefire as soon as possible so that Ukraine does not suffer any further damage.

After the meeting, Zelenskiy thanked President Erdogan and said, “The Ukrainian people will never forget the support they have given.”

In his statement on Twitter, Zelenskiy thanked my friend President Erdogan and the people of Turkey for their strong support. The ban on the passage of Russian warships to the Black Sea and the strong military and humanitarian aid given to Ukraine are very important today. The Ukrainian people will never forget this," he said.

Reuters quoted Turkish officials as saying, "Turkey has not yet taken the decision to close the straits to Russian ships."

This is interesting because if Turkey deny access Russia will be very much cut off. Plus with Turkey being a Nato country Putin will have to think very hard about what to do next.

Fighting on the outskirts of Ivankov.

Javelin launchers are the nightmares for the armored troops of Russia. :+1:

Ukrainian refugees start fleeing in panic as gun shots ring out just as they are about to cross the Polish-Ukrainian border.

Turned out later that Ukrainian border guards had to start shooting at a Russian drone circulating above the refugees. https://twitter.com/i/status/1497593137790742529

DmytroKuleba's avatar

Dmytro Kuleba


Russian propaganda has gone off the rails and speculates Ukraine might be preparing to drop a ‘dirty bomb’ on the Russian territory. This is a sick fake. Ukraine doesn’t have nuclear weapons, doesn’t conduct any work to create/acquire them. We are a responsible member of the NPT.

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Rather funny that it sailed from France in the first place, why didn’t they stop it sailing in the first place?

Because he wrote it wrong :rofl:

It wasn’t the cars that were going back it was the Russian ship that was going back after it picked up the cars. :rofl:

Nuremberg for putin!!!

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler

Regierungsvertreter*in aus Deutschland

Der russische Überfall markiert eine Zeitenwende. Es ist unsere Pflicht, die Ukraine nach Kräften zu unterstützen bei der Verteidigung gegen die Invasionsarmee von #Putin. Deshalb liefern wir 1000 Panzerabwehrwaffen und 500 Stinger-Raketen an unsere Freunde in der #Ukraine.

I just translated, and it looks like Germany finally decide to deliver weapon to help Ukraine fight criminal putin;

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It’s about time and it’s disgustingly late, but they aren’t the only ones.

Finaly @jabbath1987 doesn’t have to be ashamed anymore :wink:

(my prime ministers first reaction to this war was: we can’t give shelter to more refugees…)

I have to be fair on my comment, it is in German law not to send weapons to active areas of fighting, so I am not sure if it needed a change in German law to do so or not, I don’t know, but maybe @jabbath1987 will be able to confirm? :slight_smile:

This war between the Russians and the Ukrainians does not concern me like the war in Yemen like the war in Israel. Even if I think Putin didn’t have to invade Ukraine, I also think NATO didn’t have to threaten Russia. The only war that matters to me is the mass invasion of islamist migrants in my country which is undergoing a great replacement

Who allowed Donald Trump on this forum?? Whoever this is, we now know that you watch Tucker Carlson and Fox news for your information!

es ist traurig ,aber die deutsche regierung unter den grĂźnen und der spd sind einfach feige. proteste gibt es in deutschland nur fĂźrs klima, dafĂźr kleben sie sich im berufsverkehr fest. ich bin bei den Ukrainer und fĂźr frieden auf der ganzen welt

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I agree, how can you know feel for the Ukrainians?..we peep into people’s lives and sometimes we watch for the sex. But to see how this Russian invasion affected Elon, Sofia and Claudia. We saw how, in real-time, they heard bombs and were scared for their lives and had to flee for their life. How can anyone not feel for them? They, nor did their country ask or deserve this invasion from Russia.