Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

we’ll see who has the most balls.

As I have already told you: Go and suck up Putin’s ass :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To be honest, I am not sure who or who is not EU or NATO (not because I am uneducated, whih I am not!, but because it changes) – but at the end of the day, all that matters is that as long as Russian Leadership sees Ukraine (or other countries) as part of Russia, then it will never be peaceful.

For example, historically, any country that sees another country as part of their country – and not a legitimate country – there has ALWAYS been conflict. Fortunately, the US has never tried to say that CANADA is part of the US. However, hypothetically, if they did, then it would not be the way it is today. Just look at Northern Ireland and Ireland. Northern Ireland, by law and CURRENT recognition, is UK territory.

This truth can go to any country – in any time – at any moment.

Now, I think the biggest fear for anyone is nuclear war – but I do not see that happening yet. Everyone knows the cost. But who knows. I am not Nostradamus, not yet.

俄罗斯地广人稀 欧洲人口稠密 欧洲国家确定要打核战?

have a good laugh, you’ll see.

There will be no nuclear war

I am not too sure that they qualify yet under the ‘Copenhagen criteria’ as Turkey has been trying for years.

We do not need any cr__e Russian propaganda from you :grimacing: :grimacing: :imp: :imp:

Dude, set up a missile base in mexico or haiti and you’ll see if the us won’t move, remember cuba. in short I am neither pro putin or nato, us. I’m just saying, everyone’s got their hands dirty and if there’s a nuclear war, damn it.

Of course, the US reacted with the Cuban Missile Crisis. They would do it again accordingly. In fact, if I read my own words correctly, I only said this:

War is a part of life. As long as one country sees another country as “part of them” then there will always be a conflict. Borders are not set in stone. They merely exist in an attempt to define and protect a culture. When breached, or threatened, then not only does it affect one country, it impacts the world – as we see it. The only thing is that this is nothing new under the sun.


Lol the Russians have no clue at all:


bellima che tristezza :+1:

My heart goes for everyone but especially for c___dren :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

You missed one above you useless git :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @jabbath1987

Elon 100 klms away from border now. :slight_smile:

He is quite safe there. There are no Russians.

Not so, as Russian paratroopers tried to take an airfield very close to there yesterday, but they got their asses kicked. :slight_smile:

But they are still fighting in the forests around there.

Yes but no artillery or heavy tanks there. Just some Russian kids in the woods crapping their pants :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really good advice from Anonymous on Twitter as Russia blocks the Tor browser. :man_facepalming:

Russian citizens need to download Tor Browser or get a VPN so they can access Twitter.

They blocked Twitter completely?