Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Well given the circumstances they will have to make a decision soon…

I do not think that is fair for other participants who may not agree with their current leadership. Let’s face it – the war is not with Russian people themselves, but it is against a man and a leadership who started all of this. Russians themselves are not “evil” by nature – as is no other culture. Humans become evil when they decide to do s__t that disturbs the peace for others.

Unfortunately, to see the change needed, just like in any other dictatorship, the uprising needs to come from the inside – but as we see with the arrests of protestors and historically, the reaction Russian government/police has on those who see things with a different perspective – this is not easy.

So, at the end of it all, by not blocking these cams, VHTV is helping more liberal Russians to be free to be themselves.

The adjective is not enough for me, tell me your opinion.

I hope you c___e on it :face_v___ting:

nato, eu, us want the situation to get bogged down, for ukraine to be a vietnam, afghanistan for russia. After serious considering the determination of putin, only one soldier or plane, boat crosses the border and fights against russia and it is the nuclear war.


Tested it out and sent :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You can only do your best.

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中国有个古话叫 左右逢源

!!! Ukraine’s Interior ministry asked residents to take down street signs in order to confuse oncoming Russian troops. The state road-signs agency went one step further. (Roughly: all directions are to “go fuck yourselves”)

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I have seen some truely horrific videos coming out of the Ukrainian war in the last 24 hours. Lots of confusion of which side is in the videos as both wear the exact same uniforms.

I would so love that to be true :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Good Idea :clap: :clap: :clap:

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if the eu accepts, it’s nuclear war

I would post snapshots, but I don’t think anybody here could handle the realities of war.

No I do not thinks so. If Putin press the button, the West will press the button. Mutual destruction I do not think that will happen.

Uniforms are different. The Russian Troops are also mostly badly equipped and look like bums…

who has everything to lose him or the West.

Russiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Changing my position I had some days ago:
I fully support now the delivery of close and long range anti air missiles to Ukraine. It shows they have no problems with the tanks. But the air strikes and rockets is what really hurts. We should also supply them with data from western spy satellites so they know where the Russians will go next and can hit them by surprise.