Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Brainwashed by whom?? are you pro Russian???

To be honest he would be welcome and we do have the room, but I am in the south of Poland and most people are going to Warsaw and as I have said before, you don’t want a view of my hairy ass on camera. :rofl: :rofl:

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From what I understand they are doing that every hour on the hour.

Not that I could hear through here Live Camera from #Kyiv #Ukraine #Kiev - YouTube started about 4 am and then about 6 am and that’s all I heard until the last one.




Dose it look like I’m pro Russian??? To many sheeple around the world. Believe what they are told and not what they actually experience…

I’m old enough to remember the Cuban crisis. If you stand up to a bully he will back down. We shouldn’t be afraid. If he will get away with this one, he will go on and more difficult to stop and more life will be lost. Prevention it is better then cure

I agree to a point. Some times they will just follow thru on there own agenda. Better to be ready than sorry latter.

Would it be any more worse that Tata’s? :smirk:

Not to give away my age but I remember CMC as well.

I listened to the speech of the Ukrainian president, the interview with the Minister of the Interior and the leader of the opposition, and everyone said; We are fighting alone, they are watching the unfold from a safe distance :s___py:

Very sad… IMO fledgling democratic countries should have some outside protection. Money, equipment or other protection. What ever would help…

I disagree. Russian and Ukrainian are not at all as similar as Norwegian and
Swedish. As a fluent speaker of Swedish, I can understand Norwegian pretty
well, but as an almost fluent speaker of Russian, I don’t understand Ukrainian
at all. The linguistic situation in Ukraine is though more complicated, because
in some regions, there exists a third idiom, called “Суржик” [Surzhyk]
which is a mix between Russian and Ukrainian and this might be misleading
to the idea of similarity between Russian an Ukrainian.

I just listened to an interview with an Afghan woman who was evacuated to Kiev after the fall of the country to the Taliban. Not knowing anyone and not knowing where to go, has contacted several foreign embassies to be evacuated and relocated and they all turned her down, including the so called and great neutral Switzerland. SHAME ON YOU LOT!!! :imp: :imp:

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Switzerland is neutral but was never known for taking refugees…

I have noticed quite a few participants are watching the news a lot more now and with them being Russian I wonder are they also reading what is being said here compared to what they are being told by state media?

Switzerland only takes what is convenient for them. Money preferably. During the Second World War, they refused access to Jewish women and c___dren, sending them back to die.

They have different sources to get information. For example reading the forums here. Just not believe everything what Russia Today tells them. Most don’t do it.

you are right ,hopefully it will not go that far ,also we dont want north Korea to step in ,then it will go nuclear when that happens its good night everyone ,no one wins