Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

This is where I am finding them _ReikaM's downloads by @this_vid

What are you talking about? This is bulls__t. Is your greatest wish to die in a nuclear war? That is what Putin is trying to scare us with and he seems to be stupid enough to believe it has some effect!! I am convinced that this genocide of innocent Ukrainian people this m____rer Putin has started will lead to a catastrophe to himself and unfortunately, to many Russians, too. Putin should immediately be sent to a closed psychiatric hospital in a remote corner of Siberia and treated with a daily increasing dose of Novichok


I noticed that in one of the videos.

not that it matters to you but I was close to watching what you had to say for a informative point but it seems that every time someone opposes your perspective you return with insults which totally does away with your credibility in my head so I continue to researce more

Only with one person here who has a history on here of stupidity, who quite frankly deserves it.

Even though Putin has threatened, nuclear weapons will not be used. The situation is this: if you Fire one, I will Fire one. A weapon of mutual destruction?? is only bluffing. I will go in and get the bastard

I would have loved to join.

I know what you are trying to say, but itā€™s all too easy to say that from where we are and I would like to think I would do the same. But hand on my heart, unless we are in that situation we will never know what we will do, just being honest.

  1. you started on ceasar about his erections then stated not interested in his sex life 2. you started your reply to justice with you sad little man. again, misinformation

Iā€™m honest I do feel very angry and frustrated inside


I didnā€™t really intend that and that was a misunderstanding on his behalf as at the time of writing it was just blue pills came to mind, didnā€™t even cross my mind to think about viagra, sorry he took it that way, but it wasnā€™t intended. :rofl:

Did you see what he wrote? I donā€™t normally go to those levels unless they deserve it.

But I do take your point and itā€™s always good to be called up by someone on your posts and I do admit, sometimes, just sometimes, I do get carried away as do many people. But I am constantly keeping myself in check and watching what I post, but honestly, thanks again for your observations, and I will, as I always try do bear them in mind. :+1:

So do we all my friend, so do we all. :slight_smile:

I live in Poland with my wife and we invited a Ukrainian friend of ours to come and live with us as she is on her own.

If you imagine your frustration and anger, it doesnā€™t even come close to what she was feeling last night which was a mixture a tears and utter despair at not being able to get in contact with her family, not knowing if they are safe or anything.

She is s___ping now and has some peace from her torment and this morning I think I might be able to get some information about her family through a friend of mine who is in Komyshuvakha and give her some comfort and I should know in the next hour or two.


Did you s___p at all?

No not yet, as I have my work to do. Matchsticks are very useful things, better than speed. :rofl: :rofl:

Hmmmā€¦ donā€™t forget about your own wellbeing. We need you here. And your wife. Thereā€™s this slight chance Elon will be moving in with you. Together with his harem. You had better start thinking where to mount the cameras. But first s___p man!

IMO this person is brainwashed or dilutionalā€¦


ā€¦and finding blue pills, cuz Sophia is a quite a demanding woman.
