Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

I am in uk and the bbc is corrupt and not fit for business ,practically a goverment biased outlet never watch it ,and you forgot to mention the Diana cover up ,bastards

You sad little old man… It sounds like more hope than facts in spreading your own narrative and maybe you should try the red pills today instead.

Such a hypocrisy, you voted for Brexit and then you moved to live in EU.

Please, don’t apologize, I agree with you. Putin should be sent to a closed psychiatric hospital in a remote corner of Siberia and treated with a daily increasing dose of Novichok!

You Brits get a room for yourselves already.

Those are the facts, read about the geography of Ukraine, it doesn’t help them. And even culturally this is not a population used to war

No, I have lived out the UK for twenty-one years now, try again. :rofl:

Plus I voted against the stupidity of Brexit. :slight_smile:

Ok I know, but a part, even a little part ,of our money goes to Russia…

Not the best choice to pop out and do some shopping. :thinking: :astonished:

All I can understand out of that is ‘fucking bitch’ Ye-bat = fuck Su-ka = bitch


Are these Russian f___es? They still use the old crap equipment from cold war times?

Sorry for the Russians who earn a few € thanks to VHTV, but I don’t want them to spend it in Russia and automatically generate taxes that go into the pockets of the Russian state! Think of the path a € travels!

It is shocking to think these people were living normal lives like the rest of us up until a few days ago. Getting up for work, taking the kids to school and living normally. :face_exhaling:

Sorry for the Russians who earn a few € thanks to VHTV, but I don’t want them to spend it in Russia and automatically generate taxes that go into the pockets of the Russian state! Think of the path a € travels!!!

13 Heroes


all my support for ukraine and russian who don’t ask anything from mrs putin’s dictatorship mister poutine

I see your point but at the same time for what they earn it is probably just enough to feed themselves. That, I don’t have a problem with.

I have no idea, don’t want to say yes or no, as I simple no idea.

Well what I saw on that video does not look very professional or tactical at all. They won’t stand any chace against NATO when using conventional (not nuclear) weapons only.

Apparently it’s from Melitopol, Ukraine. Russian military hit Ukrainian tank and nearly miss civilians in the car.