Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Still very vunerable but best of luck using them.

Hah Germany does not have them. Ours are mostly broken or under maintenance. Basically like many VH apartments :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:

Here you are Putin and I hope you feel pleased with yourself! Your idiocy and 20th century paranoia has brought American F22 Raptors into Europe. Maybe Ukraine will be the final wake up call for you in understanding ‘IT IS NOT’ the World vs Russia because the World has moved on. The only thing you have been able to prove is how much of an asshole you are and you’ve got a s__t army.

Raptors arrive in Europe

Ukrainian Pensioner Who Took On Russian Column Shares Phone Video Of Destruction

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BMP-T Terminator failure - Ukrainian expert states reasons

Russian invaders and ammunition were neutralized.


Found this?

[Francis Scarr on Twitter: "For those of you perhaps concerned about the absence of recent nuclear missile threats on Russian state TV, there was a new one today Yuri Kot says Russia should launch one missile at Washington and a second at London if anything happens to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant

https://twitter.com/francis_scarr/status/1556701053978034177/video/1" / Twitter


Well if anything did happen to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant it certainly wouldn’t originate from the USA or UK but only from the mad crazed b___dy russians who seem to be hell bent on any destruction anywhere to suit their narrative.
God knows where it will all end but it ain’t gonna end good that’s for sure.

Hallo schlaft ihr !!! Der Krieg läuft schon 5 Monate und es sind schon so viele Menschen Gestorben und das alles wegen Putin . ich hoffe das es denn Penner richtig schlecht geht die Ganze Welt ist hinter der Ukraine Russland sollte sich schämmen was er der Menschheit angetan hat

robwin du hast sowas von recht. was die Russen den Menschen in der Ukraine und den Kindern angetan hat kann keiner wieder gut machen warum sind nur die Bürger von Russland so blind

Unfortunately Putin is a sore loser and I have no doubt things will get worse before better. He does not want to be seen as weak or a failure in the eyes of his people and military. A ‘Tactical’ nuclear strike is definitely a possibility. I’m not talking about anything large scale just a single small weapon to send a message and also to see how NATO / rest of the World reacts. They have always been trying to test the west just to see how far they can push their luck.

This is not like any of the other wars Russia has been involved in since WW2 because Ukraine is nothing like those other countries and the Ukraine today is nothing like the newly formed Ukraine over 30 years ago. Putin is finding this out the hard way and there is no going back for him now as he is in too deep. I think this illegal war has also exposed how backward thinking the Russian government really is because it simply makes no sense to anyone in the 21st century. Clearly they are stuck in the 20th century and we even see this in the way they are conducting this war.

Only a small amount of vast western weapons are in Ukraine and look at how badly Russia is suffering. HIMARS alone have wreaked havoc. I think the outcome won’t be good in ending this war but to do it quicker the west needs to send a lot more weapons systems to Ukraine but balanced out from many countries so that Russia can’t single out one country. The message from all western countries needs to remain the same… United we stand with Ukraine.

Meanwhile today large explosions inside occupied Crimea


It’s a shame that a country that produces so much great porn is ruled by total assholes and that there are many brainwashed people who support those assholes.

Totally agree. IMO, this is Putin’s way of Deny, Deny, Deny… So he can put blame on someone else while
moving forward with this true agenda.

I don’t know if I understand correctly, I s___p?

You quoted my text from 26 January, where I predicted, quite correctly, that if Putin attacks Ukraine, VHTV will be the last thing we have to worry about.

A month later, the attack has actually happened and we can see the devastation that is taking place, the casualties are going into the 100 000s and it is giving Europe the fear of winter. And we have not even seen the worst of it. Far from it.

I think that Putin will probably use nuclear weapons in Ukraine after all. With Crimea (Russian territory in Putin’s eyes) under attack, Russia now feels attacked and will respond with nuclear weapons. Putin and Lavrov announced this back in March.

I don’t think firing HIMARS into Crimea will be reason enough to opt for a tactical nuclear strike because it was always on Russia’s cards anyway. That is not to say Russia will 100% use a nuke but it has always seen a small tactical nuclear strike as an option. Putin sees Crimea as part of Russia while Ukraine sees Crimea as stolen land. Russia has stated more than once that if it is attacked on its side of any of its borders it will respond directly in a measured response. It seems Putin thinks it is alright for him to attack another country but retribution for his actions is totally unacceptable and that to me is arrogant to say the least and its the classic sign we have always seen in every dictator through history.

I personally think the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia is something we have to watch. This is very serious. Worse still it seems Russia have stationed many of their troops, ammunition storage and launched rocket attacks from inside and around the site knowing full well the Ukrainians don’t want to return fire. Russian cowardice at its best and not tactical whatsoever. Using a nuclear power plant as a shield is unbelievably irresponsible. The UN has called for international inspectors to be given access to the plant but so far they are being ignored.

As for a small Russian tactical nuclear strike? It is a little bit complex for Putin. Yes Crimea was once part of the U.S.S.R but in 1991 after Ukraine regained its independence the country declared itself neutral. In 2014 Crimea was invaded and taken from Ukraine ‘Again’ and now they want Crimea back and who can blame them? Alright there was pro-Russian unrest there and in Donbas but there is still a big question mark hanging over the Kremlin in how much it played a part in that. Lets not forget Ukraine declared itself neutral and right now we still have a neutral European country under attack. This is very serious already because who the hell attacks a neutral country?

The other problem Putin faces is using a nuclear weapon on a non nuclear state. Putin would have to be a lot more convincing in any justification for this. That is not to say he never will (never is a long time) and a small tactical nuclear strike is I fear still very much a real option for him.

But think about the seriousness of it …IF… Putin actually did opt for a small tactical nuclear strike.

  1. Ukraine is a non nuclear weaponized state
  2. Ukraine is a European country
  3. Ukraine is a neutral country

I dread to even imagine how the World would react if something like that happened or even if a terrible accident occurred at the power plant in Zaporizhzhia. It was almost hit twice over the weekend f_____g them to shut down one of the reactors.

I have no doubt Putin was totally misguided before the invasion and I sometimes wonder exactly what he was lead to believe militarily because his expectations were nowhere near the reality on the ground. I’ve also no doubt he now knows he made a colossal mistake but he is too deeply committed to this
:poop: ‘Special Operation’ :poop: to back down.

Radiation risk to Europe


Putin has now put a 9 month target in winning? One word - Delusional :facepunch: :fu:

Tactically, this is a big risk on Russia’s part. It has to use its overwhelming military power to ensure that the site is not surrounded by Ukrainian troops. This may fall into their hands later, a tactic that the Ukrainians have already used several times, and in the end, the Russians had to abandon all their weapons and swim back, with many casualties.

In addition, any radiation leakage renders this huge “weapons depot” completely useless. It is like hiding in a bear’s den.

As far as the escalation of the war is concerned, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons, I do not think we have seen anything yet. Europe may look very different in two or three years’ time. Remember, Putin is losing more and more of the at least approximately normal people around him and surrounding himself with more and more extremists. From genius to the idiot is usually only one step. And the Kremlin has no genius left.

Ukraine: At least 10 planes destroyed in Crimea

According to Ukrainian sources, at least ten aircraft were destroyed in the explosions at an air f___e base on the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which was annexed by Russia. “After the explosion that we saw, it is clear that the Air F___e contingent was hit,” Ukrainian Air F___e Staff spokesman Yuri Ihnat said on TV on Wednesday. According to Ihnat, Sukhoi Su-30M and Su-24 combat aircraft and Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft are stationed there.

The Saki military base in Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, was hit hard by explosions on Tuesday. Videos show that detonations occurred in at least two different places. According to official information from Moscow, a v_______n of fire safety rules is responsible for the incident.

I’m laughing my ass off: fire safety rules were v_____ed…

Firing rockets at airplanes is illegal in Crimea.

If Putin thought he was having a bad day, this will make him understand things are about to get a lot worse. Here’s why!

American AGM-88 HARM Now in Ukraine. This Will Be Terrible News For Russia!