Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Just shows how fucked they would really be when they had to fight NATO. When only a handful of advanced rocket launchers can kick their asses that way :rofl:

Russia would not fight NATO, at that point he knows all is lost. He would just push the button. He has to have the last word even if it is the end.

Russian claim of destroying HIMARS in Ukraine is Fake

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An article in the English Daily Express, not a major daily paper, reports that cyber hackers have been attacking Russian & Belarus . Amongst other things they have delayed a Putin speech by 1 1/2 hours, and attacked both private companies, energy companies and govt agencies Amongst other things they claim that Grocery store receipts and printers have also been hacked to print anti-war and anti-Moscow messages… That would be great P R .

There have been many things that hackers have done in Russia like taking over state TV stations and playing the Ukrainian national anthem, petrol pump readouts saying stop war etc… etc…

Thats so good !!!

A Ukrainian soldier taken as a prisoner of war was castrated by Russian soldiers and they filmed the whole thing, unfortunately, I watched the shocking video and the fucker that did it has a bounty on his head now as the whole Ukrainian army are after him.

Here’s the monster.

@ ukpolska I have watched this video too and it is absolutely barbaric. This piece of s__t needs to be caught and I am glad his face is all over the internet.

The Worlds most deadly fighter jet arriving in Poland is something Putin definitely won’t like. A serious message from the West with an emoji message from me to Putin :facepunch: :fu: This video explains why Russia will really hate the presence of Raptors in Poland and exactly why they are the most deadly fighter jets on the planet! Russia has nothing that even comes close to them.

F22 Raptor arrives Poland as Russia threatens the West

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In a single day of Russia’s war of aggression:

  • Video of a Russian soldier castrating a Ukrainian POW

  • 53 Ukrainian Azov POWs were k__led in an alleged artillery strike on a prison near the frontlines

-5 Ukrainian civilians were k__led in a Russian missile attack on Mykolaiv

The Russians said that Ukrainian rockets k__led the Azov prisoners, yet not one guard nor any Russian received a single scratch during the bombing. The crimes of these Russian scum have no limits and the West needs to get off its backside and push these weapons to Ukraine as a matter of urgency so they can fertilize the fields of Ukraine with Russian b___d. Yes, I am pissed off.


:rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage:

Russian officer reveals struggle in dealing with HIMARS

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We agree on this wolfie

Excellent news :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

HIMARS destroy Russia’s special train of over 40 cars in Kherson Region

I am in Warsaw at the moment and went to the uprising remembrance that’s when the whole city stops for one minute in remembrance of the brave people who died in the uprising. Every year this happens and I have only seen it twice before and this is my third time.

What was amazing this year was that Ukrainian c___dren were giving flowers to Polish people in thanks for their help and holding hands in the remembrance minute and it was so lovely to see. :hugs: :heart: :hugs: :ukraine: :poland: :ukraine:


It is a clear deterrent but the threat seems to be very serious indeed now that Poland will have one of the biggest European tank fleets! Lets hope Poland doesn’t ever have to use them.

Watch out Russia - Poland Buys 1600 Main Battle Tanks


Soon Poland will have the modernst and strongest ground f___es in the world :+1: :+1: :muscle:

Germany has double the population and we have 300 tanks from which barely 100 are operable :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Don’t really see the point of tanks in modern warfare as has been proved with how easily Ukraine have destroyed russian ones with modern rocket systems and launchers etc. Just like sitting ducks at a fairground.
Also they are good for roasting humans in :laughing:
Maybe Germany ain’t that stupid after all :laughing:

Well the Russian tanks are crap. The one Poland buys are the best in the world. And you still need tanks in order to control areas and especially settlements.

Best or not they are still sitting ducks and b___dy good human ovens :laughing:

Only when you are so stupid like the Russians and store all the ammo in the turret. K2 tanks have separate ammo compartments.