Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

They are using up their emergency reserves. I buy Diet Coke a dozen at a time during holiday sales. I’m being silly about this, but they may have had several stored away before Coke quit selling there. Or maybe, Coke just said that they were suspending sales and then never did.

M270 MLRS - Big Daddy of HIMARS enters UkraineRussia war



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einst verstehe ich nicht .: ich habe den beruf müller 1982 gelerhnt . die größten weizen exporte waren damals russland ( ukraine ) für ddr polen und für dem gesamten ostblock . Kanada ist der größte weizen produzent der rest der welt gewesen . und heute muss die die ganze welt hungern ,wegen den krieg in der ukraine ? wo ist der weizen aus kanada ? ( die usa hat auch riesige weizenfelder platz 3 in der welt ) Bitte nicht falsch verstehen !!! den jede presse spricht nur über die exporte von weizen die nicht ankommen

Ich weiß es kann keiner beantworten : wo der Rest des Getreides der Welt ist. Es wird nur gesagt das alle besonders in Afrika wegen des Getreides aus der Ukraine verhungern müssen . Wo ist das Getreide aus Kanada und de USA der Welt größte Weizenlieferanten .

I appreciate what you are saying and understand why you are saying it but all i can say is that in the UK we do not seem to be suffering from bread or vegetable oil shortages as far as i am aware.
Our local shops always seem to have plenty in stock.

nein es geht um Getreide von Kanada und USA die können auf Jahrzehnte die Welt versorgen. Aber alles geht nur ums Geld,

2 ways HIMARS has impacted Ukraine Russia conflict

even in Italy only that a bottle of seed oil before you paid 1.30 euros for the scarce one and instead now it costs almost 3 euros …

and this is just to give an example even if there are many things that have increased …

@ andre85 it is the same here in Ireland. There is no food shortage or empty shop shelves but prices have gone up a lot. You can always get anything you want here but you really pay for it!

It seems to be this way all over Europe leaving some families struggling to pay bills from fuel to electricity, food and building materials. The cost of living really is bad and probably worse in some countries.

exactly the shelves are always full but with prices tripled not to mention gasoline in Italy the price exceeds 2 euros per liter thank god I don’t have a car …

and the politicians instead of doing something for the citizens are sending the government to s__t again …

I had mario draghi a politician with balls but nothing for some politician to do was not good at that time because he went out of his way to screw up Italian politics …

It seems politicians in Italy are the same as here and the UK. They are not doing enough to help people and as usual it is the poor who suffer most. There is some people working 2 jobs and they still need help which has never happened before. I don’t know if you have food banks in Italy (a shop giving away free food for struggling families and poor people) but there has never been so many of these shops.

Old people who lived through WW2 are saying they never needed food banks during the war but for some strange reason they exist today. I think there is too much greed and corrupt governments who just don’t care anymore. Then if someone good comes along they are kept down by the cartel at the top.

you’re right even here in Italy there are places for people without money where they can find a bed and free food but there is not enough … too many Italians are in poverty and politicians do nothing they only think about their salary … . (this thing must change for the whole world) … :rage:

Yeah i am very sceptical over all these food banks, i agree whilst some family’s may need them i honestly think too many people just take advantage of them just to get something for free, maybe i am wrong but there just seems too many of them now as surely not all that use them are in such dire straights.
If so many people are that broke but they all seem to be able to afford their mobile phones and whatever else.
The more you make available for free the more people are going to use them in my opinion.

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I totally agree because there will always be selfish, greedy horrible bastards who will pretend to cry poor mouth. That is so unfair to the people who really need food banks. As for devices and so on, some people need to learn to be more responsible with their money and learn to prioritize.

Unfortunately it looks like the cost of living is set to go higher. I feel too much blame is being placed on the war in Ukraine. Yes it hasn’t helped much but take oil as an example, it is cheaper now than a few years ago yet it is over 2 Euro at the pumps now. A hidden agenda maybe? They want to push the whole electric car thing and whats the best way to do that? Make oil very expensive! Isn’t it funny how kerosene has fallen in price? That’s because people will need it to heat their homes this winter not that you can put it in a car!! Governments everywhere are clearly being selective about who to help and how to do it.

in fact in Italy we were already in s__t long before the war but obviously the politicians blamed the war for these increases …

Think you hit the nail on the head with your comment about learning to be more responsible with their money etc. To many are just too lazy and choose the easy way out. Now i live in a small town in the UK where we only have two supermarkets, Waitrose and Lydl’s.
Now i have only ever used Waitrose for shopping normally (no i ain’t a stuck up bastard really lol) but lately our bill has gone up to around £80 a week on average and i was starting thinking well fuck me it’s only the two of us, i know we eat well but b___dy hell.
Had heard so many story’s about Lydl’s being so much cheaper so decided to give it a go.
I was shocked to be honest. Ok the stores aren’t as nicely laid out and rather basic but it’s all in there if you look and the quality is just as good, it’s just hunting it all out. You have to be slightly careful with the cuts of meat etc as some can be a bit fatty etc but just be careful what you pick.
Just as an example a tin of rice pudding is 49p compared with Waitrose which is £1, was £1.29. Same b___dy stuff and quality, amazing.
The first week i was absolutely shocked as my weekly bill literally halved. After a few weeks you learn where everything is, as in other stores, and it’s a doddle now. Still get a few things elsewhere but the overall savings are phenomenal. Certainly opened my eyes.
Petrol around here does vary but generally around £1.86 a litre. in another nearby town it’s recently £1.76 a litre. Amazing what you can do if you are careful and look around.

we’re all in s__t … :rage: