Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

To me you being so unemotionally involved means that you have no inner feelings at all. How you can say that beggars belief. Please just stop as you are in danger of really hurting people.

Looks like there are ways for them to make decisions about their lives.

Nightmare for Russia - Monster US B1B bomber escorted by Ukraine fighters

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A bit late here, but I couldn’t stay silent, and somehow have no compassion like you do; if young boys in Russia are stupid enough to believe Putin and his propaganda, I can’t help, they will keep dying; every man who takes part in the aggression against Ukraine must take into account that will be treated as m____rer of women and c___dren, so I do not wish them well; as for the participants/guests who want to join Putin’s army, they also had enough time to find out, for example, from us and this forum, but also from many other sources, what the truth is, and look for a way to avoid draft; but if, despite the fact that they know the intentions of the Putin’s criminal regime, they still want to fight, because they think maybe there is an opportunity to earn a few pennies, my attitude towards each of them will be the same: let them go to hell, all without exception!

just be grateful you are from a country that doesnt make you choose between prison and joining the military. Secondly he didnt voluntarily join. Finally he is a conscript so most likely he wont be going to war anyway.

Ukrainian f___es get Indigenous huge Alligator Anti Materiel rifle

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The only thing Russia seem to be any good at is just bombing the s__t out of the country and destroying it with rockets with no thought about what they hit.
The actual manned army seem to be fucking useless despite their overwhelming numbers.

He like all of them have a choice and he could refuse and go to prison for two years and be out in one, or, go abroad. Many young Russians prepare for this and get a doctor’s report saying they are unfit for service. So he accepted this choice to go into the army.

If you believe conscripts are to not going to Ukraine then more the fool you. Even as recently as last week Russian conscripts (they call them the new boys) were sent into battle as bait troops and when they were attacked by heavy artillery the Russians then knew the location of the Ukrainian artillery and were able to pinpoint an attack with their artillery in reply.

Russia’s defence ministry has even admitted that conscripts were involved in the conflict and some had been taken prisoner by Ukrainian f___es and you can see their videos on this channel.


Like it or lump it these are the facts.

@ robwin you are 100% correct. Their so called tactics is to shell the s__t out of a town or city leaving almost nothing and then send in troops to fight what exactly when everything is destroyed? Putin has shown the World his army can’t fight as expected and he exposed certain truths even he didn’t expect such as the level of corruption in the Russian military leaving them very ill prepared for this illegal invasion.

I absolutely admire how the Ukrainians are defending their country using the few weapons they have compared to Russia’s arsenal. Ukraine is now using the American HIMARS to great affect destroying Russian ammunition and fuel dumps effectively putting a stranglehold on Russian advances in some parts of the country. Add to that another Russian generals death in one such attack in the last 24 hours. The attack took place in the middle of the night when they were least expecting it. HIMARS have amazing accuracy thanks to GPS and no doubt this will put fear into Russia’s ‘‘Illegal’’ campaign as they have made it a priority to find these systems. Ukraine should be getting more support from the West and especially now that we know which weapon systems are most effective.

Russia is fighting an old fashioned war which has been quite revealing to the World. I very much doubt Putin would ever want an escalation of this into or involving a European country because if you thought he was ill prepared for Ukraine then he would most certainly be very ill prepared for modern warfare in Europe!

Conclusion? All wars end eventually yes but I won’t make any prediction on that yet. But thankfully more and more Russians are asking ‘What The Fuck’ are we doing there anyway??? This needs to swell a lot more by getting the TRUTH into Russia and more regularly!

I can post many, many videos here but I’m not going to because I don’t want to piss people off by bombarding this thread with them. This video is another example (I have seen many other videos like this) of how more Russians are beginning to ask WHY?!! I feel sorry for her and all M____r’s from both sides. Her final message to call for an end to all this madness to protect our c___dren nails it.

Russian soldier’s mum speaks out against war in Ukraine


Yes i quite agree and i admire the Ukranians deeply for their deep devotion to their country.
But lets be honest if it wasn’t for the USA and to a lesser degree the UK and a few others supplying them with armaments etc this war would have been over a long time ago. Having said that to hold out and even take back territory that was initially taken has and is a marvelous achievement and testament to the bravery of the Ukrainian f___es against overwhelming odds even if the russians are crap’
After all these months the russian people surely must, by now, have woken up to the fact of what is happening in their name as the truth can’t be buried forever.
To see on the television the destruction and desolation but more so the sad exodus of Ukranian people is literally heart breaking.
I fear the russians will eventually overcome them by sheer weight of numbers and firepower but they are sure getting an ass kicking in the process.


Well I don’t think Putin will take all of Ukraine and he knows it. Even if he tries to re-draw the map for a new illegal country in the East I feel that’s where the conflict will last longest especially after Zelenskyy saying ‘We will never give up until ALL Russian’s are out of our Land’. Maybe there will be peace talks on this to try and reach some kind of compromise. It seems to me we are a very long way from anything like that happening.

I agree, as more high-tech weapons arrive from the West the war will go on for longer but most probably long term in the East of the country and even then Ukraine might decide to give Russia a taste of their own medicine by using HIMARS into Russian territory. Could that make matters worse? I doubt that because Russia’s bark is worse than its bite internationally. It would be very difficult to respond to a World that is totally against you anyway.

I think the biggest problem is Putin and his cronies who don’t want to be seen as losers even if they know it won’t end the way they expected.

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Only one word for them really

poutine c’est qu’il a perdu ça guerre Ă©conomiquement la Russie va s’éteindre.

well said robwin

Send more HIMARS!!

Russian S400 vs American HIMARS - Unbiased Analysis


un seul lancement coûte 150 000 dollars.

cette guerre va chiffrée.

[quote Elian149781] un seul lancement coûte 150 000 dollars.

Translated - a single launch costs $150,000

MY ANSWER - Every launch is worth it!

I wish NATO had the balls to say to Putin
 Leave Ukraine NOW or we will completely liberate it! Put Putin in a box where he belongs. I think he knows his military machine isn’t quite what he expected at all and wow what an embarrassment for this dictator. If he knew a NATO message like this was absolutely 100% real I very much doubt he would challenge it because the alternative isn’t something the Russian people would want whatsoever. Suck it up buttercup as the whole World watches!

He has played dated mind games with the World and now the West needs to mind fuck him too with not a threat but a promise! GET THE FUCK OUT OF UKRAINE YOU SICK EVIL BASTARD OR WE GO IN.

There is a special place in HELL waiting for you Putin and hell won’t be full until you are in it!

Personally I’ve always seen this as another proxy war which it is tbh. Yes you can argue against that emphasizing the whole European thing but the Russian delegation stated, ‘Feeding Ukraine With More Weapons Will Prolong This ‘’‘Operation’’’. I say BULLSHIT!

Give Ukraine a lot more weapon systems than what they even need to send a message avoiding NATO liberating Ukraine. That SHOULD BE the simple choice. Putin has a lot to learn in HOW the World has changed. If you search for it on YouTube you will see how land borders have changed and dramatically in Europe even without involving World wars. Ultimately Putin’s intention is to establish an illegal country in the East of Ukraine and all I wish for is Zelenskyy’s commitment to take back ALL of his land and so should WE support him!!!

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