Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yes you, wishing him well, what exactly does that mean? Good success in k__ling innocent Ukraine people, r____g women, stealing from houses and sending the stuff home, what exactly?

wishing him well just means i dont want sawyer to die its that simple

Things like this should never be mentioned on this site as they are far too sensitive. If you had to deal with the people who have suffered under the hands of the Russians and sat there and listened to their stories then you cannot blame people like myself for jumping on stuff like this. :rage:

I will never wish a Russian well for going to war with Ukraine just because he is on a website that I watched, itā€™s just plain stupid and overly personal. You donā€™t know him nor have ever met him and you donā€™t know what he is capable of, therefore I donā€™t wish him death, but I also cannot wish him good luck as that simply implies that he going to k__l Ukrainians and thatā€™s the last I will say on the matter.

Stuff like this should never be mentioned on this site and more the fool for Ken in doing soā€¦!!!

Because there are the superhot Italian couple Hector and Marla, two latinas couples and leader of poll - Amelis and Lucas. Lucas is now in Ukrainian police by the way. And i will be lucky to heart that Sawyer died on front.

Well said, my thoughts exactly. :+1: I am against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but any decent minded person knows that some of the young men like Sawyer who are sent to fight probably wish they didnā€™t have to or even imagined they would be called up to serve. God knows what would happen to them if they refused. Imagine how his poor parents must be feeling, as must the parents of the Ukranian soldiers defending their country. @Richard9504 your comment regarding Sawyer is just disgusting!


I was done with this but if you wish to raise it again then so be it. Do you know these young Russian soldiers? Look innocent, donā€™t they?


Valid points you raise my friend but in the wrong thread albeit, there was a Sawyer link. The good news is that Putin is running out of ammo (other than small arms) and canā€™t replace what he is using. So hopefully the nightmare runs out of flying hours.

I have already said that I donā€™t want anyone dead except the monsters above, but I am far too emotionally and physically involved in this war to sit back and watch people wish him well, knowing that he could potentially be fighting against some of the people I know.

I donā€™t know him nor does anyone else here and just because we watch him screwing Medea we have to form some affinity with him? This is what I find strange.

Sorry, but itā€™s just the way I feel as I have had to listen to horror stories from Ukrainian people who suffered at the hands of young Russian soldiers.

One Ukrainian female doctor told me a story with no emotion on her face about how Russian soldiers came to her house and shot her 14 and 15-year-old sons in the head in front of her and her husband asking for troop movements in the area - when they realised that they knew no information they started to go, except for one guy around 20 who walked up to the f____r and shot him dead smiling and saying, ā€œThat will stop any interference when I come back to question your d______rā€.

The m____r and her two d______rs 10 and 12, fled to Poland then and these are the reasons why I cannot wish or even think about seeing people wish them luck and I hope you understand where I am coming from now.

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You said it in your first paragraph and I quote ā€œI am far too emotionally and physically involved in this war to sit back and watch people wish him well, knowing that he could potentially be fighting against some of the people I know.ā€ I now have a better understanding on how you feel and the events surrounding the Ukrainian doctor is truly horrific, and with what happened can only be classed as a war crime.

That does detract from the fact that we are within our rights to show our support for Sawyer and to any other individual who may be conscripted to the army. To me with you being so emotionally involved, I think you should tale a break from VHTV

What in the HELL did walk into?

Tea Time Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Donā€™t worry someone will move all this s__t to Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

VHTV has nothing to do with except an ill-conceived comment about a Russian guy you donā€™t know nor will never know in wishing him good luck in some sort of fanboy comment; know that is bizarre. I repeat, no one is wishing him dead especially not me, but it would curdle my b___d to wish him good luck knowing he is going there to k__l Ukrainians.

That is actually not a bad idea. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yes. Next door building. The old womam died there. Telegram: Contact @dsns_telegram.

Iā€™m sorry I have to say something. I think everyone has made it crystal clear there opposition to the war in Ukraine. Having said that I cannot understand why you object so strongly to us sending our best wishes to Sawyer and hoping he remains safe and well. Surely, that is simply showing compassion to your fellow man, albeit that he is Russian and they are the aggressors in this futile war.

If you are so anti Russian why are you still on VHTV?

I kind of understand your point. But it was not said he will go to war. We wished not to go there and I even said that he can get refugee status in EU when he has to refuse certain orders. Never ever in my life I would wish some Russian soldier well for going to war in Ukraine.

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why did you move this? and i swear i replied to ken :thinking: @ukpolska

theres always oneā€¦

if he joined voluntarily then i would wish him the worst but thats not the case so yes i wish him well that he doesnt die i understand the timing couldnt be worse i even said that to jabbs

what part of we are wishing him well because we dont want him to die and we hope he doesnt have to go war dont you understand?