Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Love the ‘welcome to Ukraine bitch’ :rofl: :rofl:

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i guess they work well but it does seem to me to be very haphazard from a long way away ?

That’s the whole point as they are hit and run ordnance as traditional artillery is located in one place which is easily detected subjecting them to return fire. When they return fire on these systems the guys are sitting in their hut miles away _____ing a cup of tea and eating scones. :wink:

Spectacular cock-up by the Russian air defence system in destroying itself. :rofl: :rofl:

Bit like pissing in the wind and getting your own back :rofl:


c’est vendu par les australiens, c’est un boomerang :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

What on earth has a shopping centre with over 1000 people in it got to do with the war in Ukraine?

Russia says they only target strategic military targets; fucking lying stinking orcs…!!!

The west should wake up and prioritise these promised weapons and fast-track them to Ukraine now…!!!

Where is Russia taking Ukraine’s stolen grain?

The G7 meet and say what they’ve said so many times before! Yeah, yeah we all know there is unity over Ukraine but actions speak louder than words. DO MORE to make Putin see how much of a mistake he made and to teach him how serious the World sees his actions. Make him ‘Run’ out of Ukraine with his tail between his legs and get on with war crime prosecutions. Otherwise the World will have to deal with events like this for many years to come.

G7 leaders insist they’re united over Ukraine War

Yeah yeah yeah and i got a 15" dick too :rofl:

Putin and his other war criminals say they target only Ukrainian military sites. REALLY???

Russian missile strikes crowded shopping centre in Ukraine

The World is with you Ukraine. Khay zhyve Ukrayina
Vladimir Putin Flag GIF

Why is Kaliningrad crucial to the war in Ukraine?

This is Semyon Oblomey he died fighting against the Russians on the 21st of June a few days after his 22nd birthday and 12 days after his marriage to his girlfriend Vera.

His funeral is today 28.06.2022 at 12.00 in Kyiv and please spare a thought for him today.

Here is his last interview with English subtitles.

Rest in peace Семен

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Unfortunately, for five months, or however long it has been, I have lost count, Russia has proven that they will hit anything and everything in their way without regard of anyone’s life or opinion. I fear there is no easy way for this to end. Russia would have to overthrow their government completely and break ties with all of their allies. Even a simple assassination would not do the job, but make it worse.

I wish I was not that negative, but damn wars are not simple

Fresh Prince _____ GIF by PeacockTV

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3 problems for Russia due to SnakeIsland withdrawal

Sole survivor of Russian firing squad escaped execution by playing dead

NATO gearing up to take on Russia with new strategy

Could Russia take the whole of Ukraine? | Major General Tim Cross

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tell him everyone here wishes him well


Zero sympathies from here and just another Russian going away to k__l Ukrainians…!!! :rage: :rage: :rage: