Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

US President Biden announces $1bn extra military support for Ukraine

I would like us all to reflect on something in taking a break from all this insanity by watching the video below. Please feel free to give your thoughts to this. Thank you.

To quote one YouTube comment to this video - When the man famously known to be silent, breaks his silence, it is he who leaves us all in silence. Amazing speech.

A Message For All Of Humanity - Charlie Chaplin

Such a deep message and yet so very true. Why do so many factions on this earth have to seek conflict all the time as it only brings grief to all sides, there is never any real winner. Our world is so beautiful yet humanity, in the end, will only destroy itself, and for what. Just senseless greed and power. Hopefully i will never see it i just feel sorry and sad for all our c___dren and subsequent grandc___dren and their possible futures. Can only hope humanity can see sense.


A very painfull sight.

And all of them fucking useless apart from Zelensky.

Scholz is the worst. :joy: :see_no_evil:

Macaroroni ain’t any better :laughing:

They are all grudgingly trying to get in on the act now, think Boris is making them jealous :rofl:

@ robwin what is clever about that Charlie Chaplin speech is not only how it was written but how it was choreographed. It is done in the exact same style of how Hitler spoke. All his hate speeches started gently appearing to be so genuine but slowly he would build on the momentum of it working people almost into a frenzy. As much as I hate to say it but that was genius and I did say ‘‘Hate To Say It’’.

But here we see an opposite speech of basic common sense and love in the style the World needs and just look at how long ago this was recorded! What has changed in almost a ¼ of a century into this millennium??? Very little from what I can see. I have said it here so many times of how Putin made an astronomical mistake. I actually believe, even if he had the benefit of hindsight back in February (given the Global response to helping Ukraine and hypothetically speaking) this fucker would have STILL invaded but most probably from the East only. He really doesn’t care about Russia’s literal Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins living next door.

Do I think this war will end in anytime soon? NO not at all, because Zelenskyy is more than adamant in completely expelling the invaders and especially now that he knows a lot more weapons support is about to flood in faster than ever before. I suppose the West in general will also be keen to see how the coming changes in the next 8 to 12 months makes. I get the impression that even if he expels them from the East we could see Ukraine turn it’s attention to the Crimean peninsula and especially when (by then) Ukraine will be equipped very well to do so.

I think Putin is probably (around NOW) realizing this is a very different war unlike any other because it goes beyond a proxy war with America / West in general. The World is simply not interested in the past or dated Russian ideology going back almost a century as it does NOT fit into this century whatsoever.

Sting - Russians (Official Music Video)

If you can believe what one reads,and i say if, Putins undoing will be the lack of comradeship and moral fibre within his own troops, that will be his archilles heel i think.
That is the vital ingredient that Zelensky has got going for him and Ukraine is the comradeship and belief within his troops and people which is priceless.

I’m only waiting for fucking putin to reach his final goal, which is in hell…

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en 16h

Lviv doctors saved the leg of 17-year-old Mykhailo - he was wounded delivering food to Ukrainian Defenders in Sievierodonetsk under shelling, going where adults didn’t dare to go. Since the beginning of war Mykhailo organized a small humanitarian base with his friends.

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A massive well done to this young hero and God bless the medical staff. :+1:

such a heartwarming story

Did I understand correctly? Ukraine has been given the green light to join the EU …

Soldiers of the Ukrainian TERRA Drone Unit showing how they help artillery men to correct fire

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Who is financing Putin’s war machine?

Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Poland…

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The fact this drone can deliver the AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missile will be bad news for Russia

Worry for Russia - Ukraine to get armed Gray Eagle Drone

Intense footage of Russian troops filming a Ukrainian attack on an ammo depot in Krasny Luch / June 16th

7 aspects has totally exposed Russian Military

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Poland has banned all coal, gas and oil imports from Russia, so I don’t where this info comes from.

Almost all rail transport through Lithuania from Russia to Kaliningrad has been stopped. Cargo trains are forbidden. Some of the largest Russian sea fleets are based here and cannot be supplied as easily as before.

I watched Putin’s 45 minutes speech / rhetoric the other day in which he accuses the West of causing all this given the troubles in Eastern Ukraine prior to this so called operation. Even though we all know his lies and feel awful for the Russian people in not knowing the REAL truth, this will take time. Well, why spend 45 minutes talking about how Russia is not hurting??? The real hurt is happening and will become even more real in the coming months for you people. The cost of living has risen in Europe, you Putin should KNOW we are prepared to pay for it IN YER FACE because of your ‘‘Special Operation’’.

You lost EVEN BEFORE you began.

This situation with Lithuania and Kaliningrad must really annoy Putin as he cannot interfere militarily due to Lithuania being a member of Nato.Belarus borders Lithuania but they wouldn’t dare surely?.