Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Don 't know if this was already posted.

I have been watching this doctor for a couple of years now. He has been exactly right in everything he predicted through the pandemic since January 2020. In his latest video he predicts a famine in many of the World’s poorest countries besides much higher living costs for everyone else on the planet.

I live in Northern Ireland where the cost of living has been soaring. Even today one of the major gas suppliers announced another major rise of 43% to households by July making the yearly home heating costs to rise to 1,243 on average. In April 2021 it was £531. Needless to say I am thankful I don’t rely on gas as I have duel heating. Having said that I never thought I would see the day where burning logs and coal would be cheaper than oil. Jeez, the World is fucked!

As for food costs and a predicted famine, Dr. John Campbell hasn’t been the first to predict it but you will see in this video how the Russian war in Ukraine will and is already causing this to happen. If you don’t want to watch it all (even though it’s only 12:44) fast forward to a major point he makes (10:50) in the first 1,000 days of a human life.

This reiterates again just how serious the war in Ukraine really is and how Putin will k__l many, many people in the World not even remotely involved in this conflict.

Famine in 2022

Russian oil production falls by 1 million barrels per day

Similar to Peter zehian china wont exist in 2030

@ usa2020 Thank you for your comment.

I have heard Peter Zehian’s name a few times before but unfortunately I haven’t read anything from him or watched any videos. I am guessing there might be some videos on YouTube? I like watching and listening to independent experts giving their own thoughts after immensely researching a subject. Dr. John Campbell’s YouTube channel has millions of subscribers simply because everything he has predicted has come to pass. This time I hope he is wrong because the thoughts of millions of starving c___dren in 2022 is shocking. Jeez we are almost a quarter of a century into a new millennium and just look at everything!!! :sob:

Yeah he’s not on YouTube but he has interviews

Hmmmm…this beer tastes a bit like dead Russian soldier. Yummy!

Must admit it is looking a bit red in the glass :laughing:


Slovakia has postponed the supply of howitzers to its own army to hand them over to Ukraine instead!


Regarding the flying of the old Soviet flag, this might not be indicative of anything other than the occupants of this vehicle “being cute”. What I hope it isn’t, is the true deep down motive of the entire operation in Ukraine writ large.

Marxism has more lives than a black cat and the old USSR could be revived with the addition of just a few of the former republics.

I am a Vietnam vet and was probably on the receiving end of Soviet weapons passed on to the North Vietnamese via China, but some of these videos make me feel a little ill inside for both sides here. If you’ve ever watched the scene in Saving Private Ryan where the m____r receives the notification team, then that’s what I see in my mind every time that I see another tank of either side, blown up or a picture of someone dead in the street. I’ve never felt quite this way before.

‘Victory will be ours’: Zelenskiy marks 100th day of war

Ukraine to get Slovakia’s 155mm Zuzana2 to fight Russia !

Wow. This caused me to create a poll:

Another result for Putin. Japan will attend next NATO meeting.

I’ve never been in your situation. But I do feel a similar kind of empathy for lives lost on the battlefield. Wars are such a waste of human life. You probably have a much better appreciation for life than many others do.

You are human. Your feelings are real. Do not dismiss them.
Make sure and talk with someone that can help you understand and cope with these feelings.

Thank you Christ31104 for your concern, but I am truly okay. If I made it seem more depressing than it really is, I apologize. In Vietnam, I was one of those guys in the rear that was never in any more real danger than is a person watching a car wreck. I was there, but barely involved.

I’ve always been a history buff and am a fairly proficient and prolific reader. But history is “in the past” so pictures of war time damage or of the wounded and dead were arms length from my emotional linkage. Back when the Coalition f___es went into Iraq, some of the videos were obviously gamers passing off their play time as combat footage, especially the attack helicopter vids.

This invasion in Ukraine is on a completely different level. A video of damaged apartment buildings, destroyed cars and trucks, or of a farmhouse is more than scenes of broken bricks, bent steel, and charred wood. Each one shows some place or thing that held hopes and dreams or was simply a useful tool a few weeks ago.

As I watch drone footage of a group of Russian soldiers huddled next to a tank, I realize that those are/were real people that are in their last few seconds of life.

The other day, I saw a drone video of a Ukraine soldier in a trench as he attempted to resist Russians in a different section of the trench. The Russians were throwing grenades and with each miss, I cringed a bit. I knew that if they didn’t run out, it was just a matter of time until one was close enough. And when it finally happened, a little piece of me died inside.

Thank you for your consideration, but am fine. Instead of having any concern about me, whether you are atheist, agnostic, or one of the faithful, say a little prayer for each and every one of those people that you see whose hopes, dreams, and lives are being taken away by this invasion.

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Yup, I saw that. I chose not to post it here. I thank all of you who made the same judgement. There is lots of terrible footage out there. My kids see this all the time on f****ing TikTok. I hate that. Modern times I guess.

Spain will send modern German tanks, Leopard 2 A4, to Ukraine.



This is general Roman Berdnikov, the Commander of 29th Russian Army.


Today he died in Ukraine

Dreadful news for Russia as Germany sends the IRIS T SLM defense system to Ukraine.