Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

and cremation by the looks of this video.

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These guys have m____rs. Maybe also c___dren. Let’s agree that war is an ugly thing. There are only losers. Humanity is losing. On the plus side: nature is winning.

Russian people need to stand up against fucking terrorist Putin, there’s no other solution;

Yes, sure. But to get them to stand up against Putin, they have to get informed. We and them are getting completely different information from the war. Both sides say they are winning. Both sides say the others are Nazis. Who is right? Is there a right? I think only time will tell.

I have no doubts whatsoever; Putin attacked an independent country and committed genocide; I think the matter is clear; of course, the Russians have a problem with obtaining information, but this does not absolve them of responsibility; they still have access to the internet if they want;

Jeez if you study the first clip (when they zoom in on replay) it appears to actually land on the shoulder of a Russian solider k__ling him instantly as well as taking out another standing near him. The other solider can be seen laying against the vehicle. Another example of why Russians hate these drones.

Amazing video footage of Ukrainian drones dropping small bombs directly on the heads of the Russian occupiers

From what I read about Russian State tv last night and the ministry of Russian defense. It sounds like Poland is the next target for Russia. :open_mouth:

i wish them luck there. they will be lucky having enough army and eqiupment to invade the Isle of Wight :rofl:

I don’t know what Putin is saying, but all the Russian media yesterday was saying it’s time to stop the NATO alliance from interfering with Russia. Just talking crazy S

Don’t you mean WHAT the russian media have been told to say :roll_eyes:

I doubt that very much because it would trigger article 5 of the NATO treaty. He really would have to be insane to do that. One of Putin’s henchmen admitted there really isn’t any chance in a nuclear attack. He said the only way it could ever happen is if the Russian state was under attack.

Could be but they were interviewing top Russian officials. Don’t know what to make of it. Can’t be stupid enough to try some thing at this point could they?

When they are in a corner a rabid dog just lashes out at anything. :crazy_face:

They were discussing with out using nukes. Didn’t make much sense to me. Thought they were already stretched for replacement parts and such.

There has been a lot of hot air over nukes and that’s all it is but you are right, it will become even more logistically difficult to keep this war going at it’s present pace. One of the videos I posted here last night explains that quite well. It’s called ‘Western Chips in Russian Weapons’. It seems to be part of the longer term thinking by the West, to basically starve Russia of parts. Russia is still receiving around €1B every day from oil and gas sales into Europe but all that money won’t be much help if nobody exports chips and other technologies.

There has to come a point when Putin wakes up to how delusional he has been all along. The sad thing is a lot more lives will be lost before that happens. robwin made a good point about the rabid dog stuck in a corner. There is still a danger of Putin doing something really stupid. I don’t mean nukes but it seems this dictator is no different to others in history. They are all sore losers who are capable of terrible things. Yes terrible things are happening in Ukraine at this moment but I mean even worse.

When Putin tries to attack Poland he will be fucked. This would be a possible result

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On The Frontline With The 93rd Brigade

Since this report was filed (a few hours ago) it has just been announced American MLRS M-142 “HIMARS” have been approved for Ukraine. They have a much longer range and they are a lot more accurate with devastating consequences for anyone on the receiving end.

The Moscow Times


Russian users are encountering issues accessing the Proton VPN service, the Swiss-based company has said, pointing to likely interference by Russian authorities and internet providers.

These are the new Russian mine sweepers. :laughing: :laughing:

I mean to say, you must be some kind of idiot to drive over one and then reverse onto another one. :man_facepalming:

Julian Röpcke @JulianRoepcke 17m

Sign of hope? Russian propagandists with Tos-1 flamethrower. 50 seconds after the first launch, Ukrainian counter artillery fire begins. 130 seconds after the first launch, they are running for their lives.