Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Putin has fucked up militarily and even more so politically why in heavens name do senior politicians, military leaders and members of their secret service not conspire to have him removed.The proliteriat don’t really know because of his propaganda machine but these senior guys sure as hell do.How long they are going to stay embarrassed by him is anybody’s guess.

you heard that Russian hackers tried to block televoting in the Eurovision final …

3 attacks from russia were blocked …

@ andre85 I am not surprised it happened but at the same time, how pathetic in trying to stop a song contest!? I think all Western countries have to expect more of this now and especially Finland and Sweden after joining NATO. I am delighted Finland has joined because they have a very big professional army (one of the biggest in Europe) and make no mistake… the Finns can fight very well indeed especially on their own land. In WW2 they were outnumbered even more than the Ukrainians are today but they still kicked Russia’s ass. I wouldn’t underestimate them in a second!

@ Dave27 I agree with everything you’ve said but a coup could still happen if the current flow of Russian body bags continues. An increase in body bags (which is very likely now given all the heavier weapons arriving) would make it even more likely to happen or Putin would succumb to the pressures of ‘‘Reality’’. The only way the latter would likely happen is if he could somehow disguise his defeat publicly as a ‘‘Tactical Withdrawal’’.

Either way the sooner all of this madness / evil ENDS the better. It has to at some point but right now it’s impossible to know when. I think the next 6 to 8 months will see Ukraine in a better place ‘‘IF’’ and I mean if the war doesn’t spill over into another neighbouring country. It could potentially still happen for all sorts of reasons. In the many videos I have posted here I’m sure you have seen various airspace v_______ns from Russian aircraft to drones with some drones even crashing in European countries not involved in this war. Imagine if a rocket or some other ordnance hit something outside Ukraine and Russia? Then add to that the new dangers of sea mines floating all over the Black Sea! I like to think thats a real danger to Russian war ships even ‘‘IF’’ they were released deliberately by Ukraine :wink: So what? Ukraine is only defending herself. I think Turkey has this in hand because they have good mine sweepers.

Lets face it, this happened during the first gulf war with mine sweepers running ahead of merchant shipping. It’s no big deal for us in Europe but a bigger problem for Russia and that part sits quite well with me :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM 13h

Checking into a Ukraine hotel.

Receptionist: Would you like a room on a higher floor or a lower floor, sir?
Some people are afraid of missiles.

Me: I’m afraid of missiles, generally speaking. But I think I’ll be ok on any floor.

Receptionist: We will see, sir.

I think I would ask if the basement is available without the luxuries.


Western leaders are calling Putin, asking him to stop the war.
Estonian prime minister Kaja Kalas tells them to do just the opposite. Stop calling him. He does not listen. Stop calling him and make him feel isolated.
The world needs more women in power. Just saying.


Anders Östlund @andersostlund 1d

My prediction for Russian troops movement during the summer campaign.

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I hope that your prediction comes true.

It is not my prediction.

Sorry I should have stated that I hope that Anders prediction comes true.

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How a Russian Battalion Tactical Group was wiped out trying to cross a river in Ukraine

Ukraine war crimes investigated at c___dren’s camp

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War is not a good thing, I would like it to end sooner :pray: :pray:


I see Turkey has for the time being vetoed Sweden and Finland’s Nato application.

Stupid idiots :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :man_facepalming:

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Ukraine’s Afghan Army Helicopters

Finland joins Nato despite Russia’s warnings

Seemingly Putin has decide to step up his involvement in military decision making no doubt borne out of frustration with his crappy generals.I see this as good news for the Ukrainian’s because if his military men can’t run a successful campaign I’m sure that little turd won’t be able to.Hopefully he will be ousted soon.

It’s her again. This time about negotiating with the Russians: