Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

WOW Russian media just got real and are we seeing the first cracks at the seams…!!!

Great quote from John Sweeney

*Oooh. Patsy Russian state media let’s the cat out of the bag: Ukraine has 1m armed people, morale is high, Russia is alone.

Russia’s brainwashing bubble just got burst."

Still showing the wrong front lines at Charkiw. Ukrainian troops reached the border there. Russian troops failed to conquer another major city.

If you take their maps as kosha, then people must be nuts. :laughing:

This is by far the best map out there at the moment. DeepStateMAP | Мапа війни в Україні

technically there is no application to be vetoed as Finland & Sweden haven’t applied yet, they have just shown their intentions in joining NATO

The issue is that Finland & Sweden placed embargoes on Turkey a few years ago regarding the sales of firearms to Turkey

Another reason Turkey are not happy is because they see the 2 countries as harbouring members of PKK which Turkey consider them to be a terrorist organisation

It is a solvable situation just depends on how flexible each of the countries will be but obviously Turkey have the stronger position currently

So Finland and Sweden are currently stuck between a rock and a hard place at the minute

It’s that guy Erdogan again trying to play Mr Important as he has done that in the almost failing peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and most of it was a PR stunt for his country to promote Erdogan as a hero, when in fact he is an incompetent fool - he will get his wrists slapped and fall in line and I am sure all will be well.

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Tbh I don’t really see the need for Finland and Sweden to join Nato because as we all can see Putin can’t even defeat Ukraine, OK he’s made inroads but it’s been a poor show from a supposed world power(not including his nuclear capability) of course but he can’t or won’t risk that.Nato and western powers will always support any country illegally invaded by Russia and Putin knows it.He has a b___dy nose now we just need the knockout punch to stop all these needless deaths on both sides.

There is a massive difference between Finland which has a population of 5.5 million and Ukraine which has over 44 million.

Russian could very easily just walk into Finland with little resistance, not at the current time of course as they are tied up in Ukraine, but sometime in the future, they could.

Russia still has historic grievances with Finland and still unofficially thinks of Finland as part of its territory after Finland gained independence in 1918.

Therefore Finland feels it needs a safety net after watching Russia attack Ukraine - makes sense really.

Yeh it definitely makes sense, I’m quite shocked that Finlands population is only 5.5 mill. Memo to myself:In future check country’s history and population. :pensive:

Different outcome Ukraine vs Afghanistan - U.S intelligence has the answer

Footage shows soldiers leaving Azovstal steelworks

Yana Morozova


Russians destroyed the National Gene Bank of Plants of Ukraine It was our only plant bank. It kept more than 160 thousand varieties of plant seeds, and hybrids of agricultural crops, including those that no longer exist in Europe, and the world.

I suppose they will tell the World this was another military target? Pure thuggish vandalism plain and simple and militarily to no ones advantage. I guess they were taking their frustrations out on these little seeds because they are getting their asses kicked now.

Belarusian photographer, Pavel Krychko made a portrait of Putin with 1,500 pictures of the war in Ukraine.

I like it! :facepunch: :clap:

Newly delivered M777 American howitzer firing rounds at Russian targets on the frontline

It didn’t take them long to find him guilty.

Ukrainian f___es drop bombs on Russian base using drones

Hopefully there will be a lot more to follow and join him.

No doubt there will be. Like I said once before, no stone on this planet should be left unturned in hunting these m____rers down. P.S. I have only just noticed you are also in Ireland :slightly_smiling_face:

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Russian soldier pleads guilty in first war crimes trial of Ukraine conflict

Ukranians retaking control from Russia in Kharkiv

The first TB2 UCAV aviation k__l - Russian Mi8AMTSh helicopter & troops were wiped out on Snake Island

More bad news for Putin as Germany will send deadly Panzerhaubitze2000 to Ukraine

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