Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

I am well aware of that but my point was that I wonder how many if any of the VHTV participants will go. :slight_smile:

In all the years before none of them went. So I do not worry about that at the moment.

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Not in the slightest worried about it one little bit in fact some of the useless gits here I would love to see them go.

e.g. I donā€™t think any of us would be sorry to see Black and a few others go.

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Ah when you do not want there is are always ways around it. Bribe a doctor to write you are not suitable. Or like we did here in Germany when there were still conscripts just go totally _____ to the medical examination and tell the doctor you have a problem with a_____l and they will sort you out :joy: :joy: :see_no_evil:

I would. Anyone sent to war against his will is a terrible thing.


Iā€™ve lost all that sentiment Stinky as I have heard too many horror stories first-hand from Ukrainians here in Poland; believe me, when you hear the sheer evil and atrocities that go on, that are not reported in the media, it seriously questions any sentiment that you can give to people like thisā€¦

I know. I think I know. I heard stories about r__es and family members having to watch. I have seen photoā€™s of people with their faces blown off. I hear that female refugees in Poland are in need of abortionsā€¦ And yetā€¦ Remember the last days of WW2 when the allies found that the last German soldiers in Berlin were boys 15, 16 years old? Those who are guilty should be held responsible. Also when they are conscripts. But thinking it would be funny that VHTV participants should be sent to war is something completely different. I am sure we agree on almost everything. And on the issues we dissagree, weā€™ll have to _____ a beer. :+1:

it should mean that they are abble to k__l ukrainien, itā€™s no funny at all


I would love to see the hellfire missile arrive in Ukraine. Maybe that has yet to happen.

Confirmed: APKWSII rockets to be provided to Ukraine by the US

Russia warns that it would be a ā€˜mistakeā€™ for Finland and Sweden to join Nato

Russian f___es withdraw from key Ukrainian city Kharkiv

Ukraine War Spreads to Turkey - The Sea Mine Threat

Yes so Ukraine won the songcontest. But the war is far from over.

(via @IAPonomarenko . Defense reporter for The Kyiv Independent. War, weapons, beer & heavy metal. A village guy from Donbas in a crusade for something better.)

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I like to think of Ukraine as Russiaā€™s next Afghanistan, an unwinnable war. But I do wonder at what point will Putin understand this? Unfortunately it looks like a lot more lives have to be wasted first as this war looks set to drag on. Thanks for sharing this footage. Thatā€™s pretty intense fighting.

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Ukraine frontline fighting: Russian shells rain down on villages north of Mariupol

Really my friend that is in relative terms a let off. A Ukrainian in the village here, lost her 13-year-old d______r after the Russians came and took her. They nailed her hands and feet to the bed and pulled out all her teeth so she wouldnā€™t bite them as they f___ed themselves into her mouth and r__ed her for five days before they shot her and threw her body into the river. That is the disgusting level of depravity that these Orcs get up to and it is just one story among so many.

This Russian guy tries to explain why they are so sick.

Yep, the Hitler youth were brainwashed into committing horrendous actions, but there is a physiological trait called ā€˜Coercion and Consentā€™ i.e. when consent to an agreement is caused by undue influence, and even in this where they were c_____d into such actions they ultimately were responsible for their actions and some spent many years in prison for this. Some turned against the regime and I remember a story about a sixteen-year-old boy who was in the Hitler youth and started listening to the BBC and found out the truth and started spreading this information, which later he paid for with his life. The thing is that they have a choice, and if they choose the wrong path they deserve everything that comes to them and I could honestly say I would spit on their grave.

Never once have I thought it was funny, quite the opposite it makes my heart weep with sadness.

Always, and hope so one day. :+1:

Finland to formally join Nato despite Russian warning

Neutral MiG-29s Destroyed in Ukraine

PunisherDrone - Indigenous UAV of Ukraine out to get Russia

they do well with putinā€™s son of a bitch you have to have your back covered ā€¦

including Sweden that they too want to join NATO ā€¦

I agree. They donā€™t like having Putin as their neighbour. Who would even want Putinā€™s Russia next door? I think Finland and Sweden have sent a clear message and what Putin has done is made the NATO family bigger!!