Bono & Isabelle

What country is this apartment in.

I don’t know for certain but believe it may be Russia.

Isabelle sound s good to me, what about Bono for the guy?

like U2 leader, good

Kazakhstan russian border

How about for the 2 guys **********

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2 beautiful girls Asian girl is absolutely Stunning

Which two guys are you referring too, as the guy with Isabelle I already named Bono.

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Guess it’s the other two remainings… and as you giving them names guess the other guest girl also need a name…

********** is a real name of Archi in realm 93 (@jabbath1987 , is it ok to publish real names of participants without their consent? If not, please edit the post.) ***** is a Archi’s best friend.

We are not meant to publish any personal information of the participants, the names selected didn’t have anything to do with Archie.

Delete the post then i just google some russian names and picked them two i didn’t know they were real names of the ones you mentioned.

Why change them as far as I understand it the names you chose have nothing to do with what Oksana said because those guests real names may be totally different.

Looks like someone put the sand back in the box. I expected no less. Now be a good little vhtv worker bee and only say good things. Pretty c!ear that vhtv and team really only want you to be a posting advertising tool for them. The real forums remain hidden from view and you’re not welcome. Who wants to be a controlled underling in the service of vhtv? Blah! Zzzzzzz

you must be fun at parties

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Bono the clown… perfect :+1:

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