Bono & Isabelle

Hot Asian girl is packing i hope she’s not leaving the project

No signs she’s leaving, at the moments both girls are happily dancing in the living room

yeah she was packing heavily a few hours ago i hope she was just cleaning stuff do you think this guest couple have moved in also

I saw the other girl, I call her Isabelle, shoving stuff to the wardrobe in the bedroom a couple of days ago, so I think they gonna stay at least for a while

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hope so its 1 of my current favourites to watch

Both match my expectation for an ideal girl :+1: :crazy_face:

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what a delightful sight

Hope she won’t leave seeing her packing earlier and i didn’t saw the guy anymore with who she was from the beginning.

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The reason why he was away…

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Oh. Ouch… :confused:

Why was that? Wanking too hard :rofl:

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Or he met the neighbor this time.

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Welcome to 2012 :smiley:

2012? Why ?

Wow it is so long time already?

Exactly my first thought :rofl: