Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

well it is what it is, have actually considered that you are only allowed to look into their lives in their apartment, and that everything that happens outside is their private life, but if you don’t think so, I suggest filling your house with cameras and show us how to do it, if you do not wish to do this then I suggest to keep your c___dish behavior to yourself, many people on this forum are fed up with your nagging

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I have seen Ariela on three or four different Russian modelling sites with her starting clothed to finishing nude. But never with a male partner on pornographic sites. So it would be interesting if [Kristian175775] could give us an exact example of what he is implying. Or is it just wishful thinking???
I have seen Ariela on three or four different Russian modelling sites with her starting clothed to finishing nude. But never with a male partner on pornographic sites. So it would be interesting if [Kristian175775] could give us an exact example of what he is implying. Or is it just wishful thinking???

Don’t challenge him too.

It doesn’t matter what he thinks about Ariela or what he finds about her on the internet. It doesn’t belong here. Ariela’s personal life or even her professional life is entirely her business and has nothing to do with VHTV and should not be discussed here.

If you put some of your life in front of the cameras it’s normal that whoever sees you has their own idea and can express it otherwise you don’t and stay in your privacy.

That’s the point!

The BEFORE the cameras part can be discussed here, but not what is happening here off the cameras. It doesn’t matter if these are conjectures or realities as it is PRIVATE!

Maybe you and the rest of the others will understand this someday.

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nothing to say about this but even when there are comments on what he does in front of the cameras, it’s often not good anyway. I am referring, for example, to the moments where Ariela entertains men alone at home without Seba or when he is in bed and which arouse many perplexities in many who follow her and where all the negative comments are often concentrated. But when they are together sharing experiences this does not happen . In the last few days there have been some more particular comments because we have seen that he has many commitments which arouses curiosity for what he does… and the house remains empty.

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I don’t understand why scenes like this need to be discussed with negative comments. Ariela certainly won’t do anything in front of the cameras that Sebastian wouldn’t approve of. It doesn’t matter if he’s not at home or if he’s in bed next door. He has access to the cameras at all times and can watch Ariela as we do. So it happens with his consent and does not have to be discussed negatively again with every new guest in the apartment.

Most people go to work and leave their homes to do it. But guessing what they do is irrelevant because it’s their private affair.

I agree with everything you say but I have doubts about this fact … Seba sees but that he always agrees I’m not convinced. Sometimes in certain situations he has shown not too much tranquility. I think in the end Ariela should be the way she lives free from all ties.

…and I think Ariela is quite capable of making her own life decisions and doesn’t need any advice from the forums.

I would now like to end this discussion and hope that the negations in this thread finally stop. Thanks very much!

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Bravo well said :clap:
I wish all the negativity in this topic about A&S will stop too
Happy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent

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I think Ariela is feeling pretty bad. Here you can see she is putting a thermometer in her armpit. Hope she feels better soon.


@Sebastian Happy International Women’s Day Ariela :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:
Stand Together Dia De La Mujer GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown


Why are you using the same three gifs over and over and over again? Don’t you want them to feel special? :pleading_face:

To me their all special to me it’s the thought that counts

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Pacer, here’s one you might like.

A&S relaxing:hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She’s still poorly came back crying this morning

Check out that beautiful shape. Fantastic!


what’s going on here … is a mess anyone know why?

It’s not a mess it’s organised chaos :wink: :joy: