Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Ariela n’a pas salué Otto et Lola à leur départ bizarre après cette magnifique soirée

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That’s right, she’s still in a blissful deep s___p after that night :wink: I wouldn’t have torn her out either
I think it’s a pity that O&L couldn’t stay another day

but the way the night went… i’m counting on sequels. and then maybe everyone will be awake when they say goodbye :wink:

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LOL Thanks for your trust and encouraging words :stuck_out_tongue: I saved them last night as it was happening :smirk: no need to worry about it :wink:

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Thank you @Sebastian and Lola and Otto for a :fire: night
especially Ariela and Lola was :hot_face:
Can’t wait for the next time u guys will hang out together :hugs:


Hey thanks Bluewinner, always appreciate you and your contribution, VHTV could use more like you.


I meant no disrespect to the operators, but on occasion it has happened that something awesome didn’t make it into the archive just because nobody bothered to ask for it. Meanwhile it’s unsure if I’ll renew my subscription. I don’t use credit cards and on my first attempt to create a bitcoin wallet that website asked for my online banking PIN for identity verification. Yeah, right. I like VHTV but I don’t need it THAT much…


Try Coinbase, I’ve been using it for years, and it’s quite safe & secure.


It was beautiful what happened here, when the guests are good (Otto & Lola), the images are good and relaxed, without the need of other situations, it is very interesting to see Lola, interacting with Ariela

That was my experience exactly. There must be some little bit of code that must be downloaded in the background and when it is complete, allows the “format” to work. Thanks for the info.

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Great summary of the Forum @Handsdown but actually this time it didn’t happen - because earlier in the day the haters were banned. And what a pleasure it is to tune into the Forum when the tedious hate hate hate messages have been stopped. Personally I don’t see any need to a___e participants - just move on if you don’t like something. Surely encouragement helps promote a positive buzz for us and the participants which leads to better times for all. They says it’s opinion but repetitive hate messages are tedious and amount to online bullying - something that really annoys me as some of the participants clearly have their vunerabilities ( as do we all ). Serious rant over - a great evening and entertaining Forum - what could be better! :grinning:


The nicest 4some ön VHTV

I just put in a request for the 10ish minutes that Otto and Ariela went to the bedroom for a bit of foreplay. Apologies to the moments operators if there have already been plenty of requests, I just didn’t want to lose that small snippet

now that all the good stuff is over with, we are back to the mundane, most likely ariela expecting a visit, when seb as gone to bed, seeing that she has change from her pjs to a dress so we have to wait and see who it is,

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The only reason you say that is because the lights were on if they had been off you would have said they were being shy :see_no_evil:

That scene has been saved. :wink:

Obviously, the level of shyness has direct relation to how bright the room is :joy:

It was a really great evening with A&S and O&L. Unfortunately, my internet provider was disrupted yesterday. Exactly at the moment when it started between the four and I could only see it today. I hope that such evenings will take place more often. Even if the distance between the two apartments is very large, irregular meetings should be possible alternately.

@Sebastian you are a hit on VHTV with Otto & Lola. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Où avez-vous vu que Seb a été se coucher ? Il est chez eux 22h25 et il est dans la cuisine avec Ariella !

just ignore him, his aluminum hat is leaking, so his strange thoughts keep coming out of his fingers :upside_down_face:

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grazie per la bella serata a guardarvi con otto e lola…perfetti

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