Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

The first time really!?! Lola fucks lots of different guys. She fucked their Mr. Slave friend not to long ago.

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slave was impotentā€¦ he licked her not fuck

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Damm you really need to check the archive :rofl: :rofl: Tons of them in all their places including clients from first house that gave her money on cams and then had sex

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Not correct my friend.

Maybe I am failing to see the downside of her earning money for that. She has a commodity that is in high demand so earning money for it seems to make sense. I donā€™t see it as a moral thing.

Whether it being moral or not is the only downside and that is up to each individual to decide for themself.

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I agree completely. Thanks for expanding on that.

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I totally couldnā€™t care less how she runs her sex business, I stopped watching them years ago.
Itā€™s way much easier being on vh like that.
I was just replying to the guy that never saw her being fucked by others, that she have a long historic of that.

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We all know that Otto had some bisexual encounter. Could be very hot, if he blow Seb dick.

Well that was an exciting surprise to come back to after a night out - would have been nice to see the girls finish each other off but perhaps rather churlish to complain :smile: Thanks A & S L & O really :fire: :fire: :fire:


I thought it was a great pairing. Hope for many more.

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Ariela and Lola
Good night kiss for girlfriendā€¦



I just watched some of this on the timeline - wow, that was quite a party!!! Ariela and Sebastian and Otto and Lola!!! Kudos, @Sebastian !!! :heart_eyes:

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Ariela is 5 feet 5 inches; 1.65 meters.

Did you notice there are three kids in that GIF?

I got the same error until I got to the video, not the GIF, just above this post. Then all the following ones played, as well.

Somebody make sure to post an archive request for all of this, donā€™t trust the moments operators to do it by themselves. My subscription has expired, but if I ever renew it Iā€™ll want to watch this. Iā€™d post a request myself but at the moment Icanā€™t even generate the necessary timecode lĆ­nks.

Iā€™m just finding out that this has already been taken care of.

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safe journey home!