Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

@Sebastian ignore the haters majority of us love you and are on of the best cam’s :heart::heart::heart_eyes:


why are you asking so many personal questions when a google search would help you out?

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all it takes is one google search but you already knew that you are just looking to cause trouble like always

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Dude, the only trouble here is inside your head. Go and play instead of constantly targeting me and my comments

don’t talk s__t then i won’t have to embarrass you all the time :grin:

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Please follow your words kid. Peace :hugs:

  1. That was before you lied to me and made me make a fool out myself and you broke a promise.

  2. Why do you keep calling me kid do you like kids especially when before you had a pic of a young girl as your profile pic?

  3. You forget the things you sent me in pm…

Wasting your time with as I said above ‘lowlifes’ Our John is sad enough to store posts from everyone so he can throw it in your face, I also find it ironic that he gives Mohrchi a thumbs up for his post when he was one of them that was fuelling the “s__tstorm” as Mohrchi puts it.

Maybe he should take his own advice and stop talking (harassing) to the participants.

Calls you kid so it winds you up to get you banned again.


I have simply asked a question to Ariela

All the rest is only in your full of hate head

All that you wrote above (harassing participants and forum members) is exactly what you’re doing in various forum topics for a long, long time, not me.

And i call him a kid because he is one(age wise) compared with me and most of us here (he said he’s over 20 years younger than me)

I’ve been gone for week’s and it seems nothing has changed around here :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Same here, not posted almost anything for almost a week, and…

Longer than that for me closer to 3 weeks let my subscription run out still not renewed it unsure whether to come back

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JD has repeatedly asked for you stop calling him a kid. Why do you keep trolling and antagonizing him by continuing to do so?

you are older then me and you call me a kid yet you are the one who acts like a teenage girl on here. Grow up and act your age

And you are 40+ year old man acting like a baby. If you continue to call JD kid, are you ok with everyone else calling you Baby John?? :thinking: :baby: :baby_bottle:

It seems only fair…

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Back to the gorgeous Ariela :heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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S__te, the full trolling squad controlling this forum showed up, what a surprise. Even ex-Guvna with his laughing emojis.

Back on topic now. :point_down:

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I can’t understand why there seems to be all this hate from the mob, always speculating where Ariela has gone, what she’s doing, asking questions then getting an answer but they’re not happy with so they blatantly harass her to try and make her look stupid, a prime example last night.

Don’t listen to them Ariela you’ve got a huge fan base here that love what you & Seb are doing, keep it up, we’ll always defend you against all these people that can’t take you for what you are. :heart:


Que hermosas que son, que pena que ya no podamos verlas frente a la camaras, pero Ariela podria invitarlas mas frecuentemente son super agradables, gracias x traerlas para que podamos verlas de nuevo.

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