Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

the question everyone has to ask is why Ariela and Sebastian open up all these discussions? It’s not random but it happens and the fault is never on one side. There are those who defend it because they want to see it in any way and those who attack it because it proposes unusual situations. You expose yourself and everything is there and when you do it you have to take it into account otherwise you make other choices. I don’t think when they chose to appear on the web cam they didn’t think about it. If they are convinced they go ahead and stop justifying what they do instead of defending their choices afterward or waiting for those who do not criticize to do it.


you are so beautiful couple. keep it natural. btw i liked your shaved bushes :slight_smile:

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Mine ran out today, but if or when I return, it will mostly be because of Ariela and Sebastian. They are a very special couple and allow us to be a little part of their experience. It would be very easy for them to become frustrated with the few “professional haters” and to quit responding to everyone. They seem to realize that most of us really do like them and enjoy spending time in their realm. That is probably very difficult to do, and is one more thing that makes them exceptional to me.


I’ll have one last off topic thing to say about John78 though. Did you folks know that his avatar is actually a dog? I finally decided to go to the optometrist and now got glasses for reading and computer work. I allways thought it was the dimly lit face of a gorilla…

I’m saying nothing :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe you can see it if you squint. The dark area on the doggy’s forehead is where I thought the gorilla’s eyes to be, with the blueish part being his pronounced eyebrows…

Maybe you should just click on the avatar. Then you see the picture a little larger and clearly recognize the dog… :wink:

@Ariela Did you ever get in contact with Otto and Lola?



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The world feels right again.

It’s not what he wrote that got removed. This happens when you quote the entire comment in the post, instead of just clicking on the Reply button. The system detects that and deletes what you quoted, but leaves the entire post intact. You can see it if you click in the upper right corner.

For example, I quoted all the text in your post. If that had been all that was in the post, the system would have deleted what I quoted, in the interest of saving space, I guess. But, the text in your post is still there if you click in the upper right corner.

I hope that helps. Questions welcome.

Remember to wash behind his ears Ariela :wink: :joy:


:yum: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Bubbly Ariela :heart: :heart_eyes: :bubbles:


I bet, Ariela stays 3 hours in tube !!!

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True love… :heart_eyes: :heart:


Obviously uniform 2 is used for better alignment. :rofl: :heart_eyes:

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Well, they say you learn something new every day, and it’s true. I didn’t know that.

Until we have a topic about diong the dishes, I guess this will have to do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: