Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Il faut bien savoir que tous les participants de vhtv sont là pour gagner de l’argent d’une façon ou d’une autre en conséquence ils nous font profiter de leurs activités quelle qu’elle soit

You only need to open your eyes to see this type of behavior happing…

walking away whatever GIF
U guys are amazing ignore these hates and harassing comments against u they are always like this… or may be they are alone and sad in real life :smiling_face_with_tear: Enjoy and take care of yourself beautiful people…:heart::heavy_heart_exclamation:


And you want to tell me that a person who stays there for three days feeling Ariela from all sides is enjoying something beautiful? for me it’s earning money and that’s it. You have a beautiful imagination

U are new soo I can’t blame you cause u r not aware how things work here… u just read all these comments and believe that story…. but what u read here not always true they are haters comments against participants….
I m paying for real voyeur sex which happen naturally… and its participants choice with whom and whether they wanna do sex with guests or not…… I never f___e them for my sexual pleasure I wanna see them happy and enjoying their life…. :heavy_heart_exclamation: Atleast u can see them on cam but what if they leave, u will never know what they are doing and how they are living
It’s better sit back and enjoy and let them live in peace and love :heart:

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Jeez I don’t understand how Ariela and Seb can read all these people whinging and being rude and still be motivated to respond. How do you watch this realm and instead of seeing how sweet they both are to each other (and to guests :wink:) you only choose to call them fake and liars.

I hate that irrational, illogical and unreasonable people are always the loudest voices

It’s a shame to read that Ariela and Seb aren’t getting any genuine female swingers responding to them, if only they knew Chuck and Chloe while they were on the project.

Also I wonder how the guests named Tom and Jerry, who came at the end of November, are doing and if they enjoyed the experience. Jerry, the girl, seemed to have good chemistry with Ariela

This is not a court room and Ariela and Seb are no prosecuting attorneys, they don’t need to prove their accusations. Just as I don’t need to prove the fact that you lost your virginity to your cousin. :laughing: If people on the internet had to back up their claims this would be a very silent forum.

Seriously though, looking at some of the freakshows on VHTV I have no difficulties believing what they said.

One thing that people seem to be forgetting while putting the real swinger status of @Sebastian on trial is the fact that they are living in an apartment streaming life to the internet and Russia is a somewhat chauvinistic, conservative society. Men who fuck around are viewed as studs while women who do the same are shamed as sluts. It seems realistic that an attractive, self respecting woman who would come to their apartment for fun would be hard to find. Attractive women have other options. Men are more needy and desperate.

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Okay for one guys never get free sex weather marred dating or any other situation
The guy is always paying for it, and we’ll always be paying for it

I’ve been trying to get in touch with Chuck&Chloe FOR Ariela&Sebastian for a while. for me these 4 would have been a perfect combination too… if it could have come to a meeting. there are a lot of different interests at play in the background.
unfortunately were e.g. the other time zone, and thus the distance, against a meeting. and unfortunately C&C weren’t really active in the forum, and sometimes i had to wait a long time for answers. a message from me had to wait up to 3 weeks for an answer… as a result, there was no real dialogue and unfortunately the contact only came about shortly before C&C left :frowning:

and btw: I was able to establish an other VH-contact for the two of them… but time will tell if and what will come of it :wink:

You may be right in parts, but here, and with some others, I often see it the other way around:
some would live EXACTLY like this without cameras. they just found a way to use their free time (or hobby) to make money on the side.
and, as ariela has also told again, the cameras are sometimes even a hindrance for new couples. therefore, some would even live BETTER without cameras… seen in this light, your accusation lacks some (not all) of the basis.

but I agree with you in part… at least as far as all of the projects are concerned, in which almost exclusively cam shows are produced


I don’t understand why there is so much criticism of Ariella’s behavior!
Many women here have been worse (Mira ,Belle,Capo,Jennifer,Fernanda and others)

As long as Ariela hosts men to masturbate and to be touched, they will likely criticize her. Mira and others get fucked they don’t have fake love attitudes like with the man you normally have next to.


Some people just like to harass participants, they must get some pleasure out of it, probably ‘bashing the bishop’ while doing it. They’re just the lowest of lowlifes that we get in here.

Some times I think keeping an amount of separation from the forum is the most beneficial for participants but I like that you were trying to make a positive use of it. Fingers crossed that you are able to see your plans come to fruition but I think I’d be nervous having such interactions haha

Well said :clap: #Facts


On the other hand, with the seduction of new couples, Ariela seems to be shy… We know how much simpler it is, between two couples, for the women to touch and kiss each other, without being noticed by the two men.
The approach between woman/man is more difficult…

I like your sense of humour… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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And that’s only one of my outstanding qualities. Another one is shameless self promotion. I just posted my best video yet in the LinaSun and Momo topic, where it doesn’t really get the attention it deserves…

I find that amusing because I’ve found John to have no sense of humour in the past, he’s obviously done some research on it as I instructed :joy: :grin:

Too long maybe :thinking:

You are doing a great job with your vids :love_you_gesture:

And by the way, i have never questioned Ariela or Seb status or what they doing (not my business). Only now and for the first time ever i have questioned the “single females advertising themselves on a swinger site” comment, that’s all.

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