Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Fair enough but I was referring to inviting a girl in by you as a couple… She might see it as more secure than being invited by just a guy. you obviously have no problems getting single guys. Just trying to help Seb get something. Sorry Sebastian doesn’t feel well.

And for this very reason you decide to fuck other guys and Seb goes to bed! Don’t you think that this isn’t fair and that if Seb can’t enjoy other women you shouldn’t do what you do with other guys? I’m just commenting…I’m not saying what you have to do, you’re free, but my opinion is that you’re not fair!

We ALWAYS write to girls and say that we are a COUPLE. Or I often write to girls and invite them to meet me as a lesbian. But there was never a girl who would agree to come and have fun for free…:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:


Just a curious mind at work. You both enjoy this life. I find it interesting and entertaining as an observer. :open_mouth: :hushed: :astonished: :flushed: :pleading_face:

That’s before or after you saying (if you say) that their presence in your house and their sex will be broadcasted live all over the world and recorded for a “voyeur” site and you will earn money with it? Maybe that explains why it’s so hard for you to find someone (still on the other house all seems to be quite easier)

How the other participants in other apartments do to invite female guests? You might be right . I was suspecting that a lot of them are paid sex workers

We have two regular couples that we meet on the topic of swing - they are against the cameras, so we cannot invite them to our place, but only go to them. And there are no single girls at all. We have been in the topic for 2.5 years, and on the project for only a year. Before the project, we also could not find a single real single swinger girl…:roll_eyes:

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Pouvez vous m’expliquer Ariella est au service de l’invité depuis 4 jours elle cède à ses volontés laissant Sebastian seul au lit je ne conçois pas l’échangisme dr cette façon ou même le libre échange il y a a obligatoirement un paiement de sa part surtout que ce n’est pas un cador au lit elle délaisse le beau brun et se fait peloter durant des heures s’il y avait pas un gain financier elle ne ferait pas ça pourquoi pas le reconnaître

Many are invited to get _____ and do d__gs while hiding from the cameras… And some invite ugly, old or fat girls … but those girls agree to come only to be _____ and fed for free, but without sex. We are NOT interested in inviting people we don’t like or who want to get very _____… And some are lucky and sometimes they find somewhere those girls who are beautiful and pleasant and agree to mutual sex for free (we envy them a little):sweat_smile::grin::smiling_face:


And while you keep searching for “real single swinger girl” i doubt you will find any. Good luck, i will leave you with your games :wink:
Was already cool to have Auriel back.

Such a nice comment :rofl: :rofl:

ariela do not worry yourself about the negative comments just wear more sexxxxy dresses you look fucking fantastic. i like dresses.


I say this about the fact that Sebastian and I do not want to invite those girls that we do not like … Although we have been written many times by girls who are overweight, ugly and too old … they wanted to come to visit us. and even agreed to be on camera… But we don’t want to invite EVERYONE in a row just for the sake of good statistics… Therefore, we do not have girls visiting - either we will have those who we like, or there will be no one🤷


Et ton choix d’ hommes correspond pas à ses critères souvent il sont plus vraiment ordinaires exemple de l’invité en cours

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This is a very serious accusation and i have no doubt’s that you also have some kind of proves supporting this statement, no?

And for this reason, the guy who is with you now, touching your crotch, kissing you…is he nice to look at or is he fat and ugly? I still think they are excuses because this guy is not nice at all, but the girls are!

And why all that rules specifically for girls while for guys you accept everything? Seems double standard there
Guess if you start to read all your posts you will be clever enough to understand the situation

Je comprends pas qu’Ariela s’obstine à nier l’évidence s’il n’y a pas rémunération avec ce type d’homme alors pourquoi rester 4 jours avec lui se faire peloter

I honestly am already bored with this nonsense, it is very good but it does not stop telling lies! Only she believes it and justifies it in a very ugly way towards other participants and people in this forum! Ariela is a basket case and it’s clear that she doesn’t care about anyone’s opinions! Keep living your big lie!

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Hey guys if it gets that bad sometimes It’s better to just move on…

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