Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

He’s sharing what’s beautiful. He doesn’t get anything for this. that s the problem…

that is what you think…

pleasure is not all about fucking :wink:

Now it’s going to turn out that Ariela is the only girl in all of Russia who fucks guys for pleasure and not for money… :joy:

And that he also laughs at all our comments, he shows it to this guy… because he knows it’s his big lie.

The most important thing I want to say is that I don’t want to be taken as a personal attack on her because it’s not! I like Ariela and I mean it sincerely but I don’t understand so many lies and so many justifications when the reality is one and it’s obvious!

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she does what she wants with her life, we have nothing to say! It’s none of our business, she’s mature and responsible. if tomorrow she does what people (want to see) there will always be people not happy here.

she is so nice that she answers you! she shouldn’t even answer, and go about her life

Singles are allowed into swinger sites, groups and parties. After all, swing is very diverse. Read about this direction, please. Swingers have different directions - including where a man can date without a wife. Or vice versa, a woman can meet without a husband. But we do not associate ourselves with one person - we welcome all formats. The main thing is that we both like it.


you don’t even have to answer … live your life … really, tomorrow if you want to invite 50 guys do it. no one should judge. we must look and judge that our life

… I’m not going to convince you of anything. You can already observe the situation - only guys often come to us, because there are no girls anywhere. Either there are girls, but they agree to come only for money. By the way, I really like kissing girls, so I would be very happy if some girl even started living with us. But they haven’t been found yet


I don’t know. Ask one of these girls yourself…:roll_eyes::person_facepalming:

You can’t say this when only guys come to this apartment to “play” with you so you only practice the model of single guys and not couples or women, this is not real! And I still can’t believe that your boyfriend only likes to see you with other men without him participating with other women… I think you think that we don’t see your life on VH and Seb right now is in bed and other times angry… because this is not real!

Would you like me to wake up Sebastian in the middle of the night, even though he is sick and has to get up early??? Are you serious right now? Review the cameras - he HIMSELF went to bed because he wanted to. I do not think it right to f___e him to sit with the guests, although he feels bad and wants to s___p.

do you think if you invited a girl in as a couple she would feel more secure. Sounds like you are creating a situation where you are attracting street girls because they are used to taking the risk. It is totally different for a girl to come move into some guys couch than it is for a guy?

he is completely stupid :joy::joy::joy:, soon he will tell you what to wear as clothes tomorrow :sob:

Sorry, I still don’t believe it, on this site (VH) and in the whole world there are men much uglier than Seb, like the guy who is touching your crotch right now, who are surrounded by women and not all of them are from pay! You can’t say this because I don’t believe that you are the only woman in Russia who does all this for pleasure.

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There are very, very, very few couples who like both of us at the same time and who like us.

Yet another excuse…every night that Seb goes to bed and you’re with other guys kissing, masturbating or fucking with them, is Seb sick? The truth is that I would be too…

certain operators should be deleted from vhtv…

Well there is something that i believe.

Why not Auriel?? And not saying for Seb, but for yourself… You already have done it with her, wouldn’t you think being at your house instead on a studio for money wouldn’t be more interesting?
You wanted someone from VH and you have one just there that even visits your place