Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

**pensez-vous que cette verrue va s’installer il se prend pour le cador des lieux et je trouve un pose beaucoup de ces volonté à Ariel

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Ou il paye énormément ou alors Sebastian n’a rien à dire sur les choix d’Ariela

In my opinion, and I said opinion, The guys know what to expect and not expect before they even arrive.
Them and Sab know the limitations. Ariela is good to stick to those limitations.

They moved to bedroom :wink:

Ariela decides who she fucks and how much she charges for her pussy

those 2 guys are some lazy dudes she did not enjoy herself

She’s looks gorgeous during sex :blush:

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she is beautiful. shee should have invited the young guy from the other nite.

something is missing … it’s time for the hair to grow again :wink:


I want to do laser hair removal inside so that there will never be irritation again :see_no_evil: Because of this, sometimes you have to remove the hair from above too​:sweat_smile: But this is not for long and soon everything will come back :grin: Did you like the look with hair more than now?)

IMO I’m not too sure there are any payments. I think it is show for here but she likes to get id done and send them packing. I’m pretty sure this guy thinks there is a connection but Sabastian is her man and she will send this guy packing too.

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Your natural look is the best. Sexy in every way

This is not a show🤦 The show is a pre-ordered and fully pre-paid performance. And what happens to us is our ordinary life .


I misstated what I meant. My point is although I agree it is not staged but real. I was disagreeing that you were paid by these guys for your time. Calling it a show was incorrect of me.

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Guess she is dependent on her agenda for external activities and what are the site demands/titles … If to be clean or florest style :grin:

Again I repeat that only you believe this and you want to make the viewers believe! What you do is not normal and I am not only referring to sex but you treat Seb like a weirdo and you give much more love to guests that you often don’t even know! This only has one explanation…

What do you mean?:sweat_smile:

Entièrement d’accord si c’était du partage je pense que Sebastian serait mieux considéré le client est le mieux considéré à quand la vrai vérité Ariella

Les pratiques du libre échange n’ont rien à voir avec les pratiques d’Ariela dans le libre-échange le conjoint et toujours le partenaire principal c’est lui qui anime les

apparently someone is _____ing the bong water.)))))