Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

You always get these people that watch too much Chaturbate and think that this site is the same and It’s far from it

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Not even ten in the evening, but I’m getting damn tired. Have a lovely time everyone :heart:


Age doesn’t come itself my friend :grin: good night :hugs:

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:ok_hand: right, you got it

Hope everything is okay

Je trouve l’attitude d’Ariela de plus en plus étrange Sebastian à un seul jour de repos par semaine et elle en profite pour partir chez ses amis ne trouvez-vous pas ça un peu bizarre elle préfère s’éclater avec la jeunesse

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No I just find you weird :grin: How do you know she’s having fun when she leaves the apartment :thinking: as we say up here “There’s wiser chewing grass” :grin:

I think he’s fuck Austin somewhere

Ok as long as It’s think and not know like the other know it all’s :+1:

Quand ça se passait dans l’appartement on en profitait.Par contre son attitude envers Sebastian change négativement de jour en jour pour moi je pense qu’il serait mieux pour elle de changer d’horizon d’ouvrir un autre univers.Sebastian oublierait il passe beaucoup de temps au travail et il pourrait se consacrer à sa fille et trouver une gentille fille plus conforme à lui.Bien sur tout cela est de la spéculation de ma part

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if you getting more, then you’re getting at home, then it must be fun, and if it’s not, then why do it

i’m so fed up with all the speculation here in this forum i’m getting tired of those doomsayers, is there really no way to ban them, all those few individuals do is ruin it here for the positive thinking users of this forum, and trying to tear apart a beautiful couple, those fools only want 1 thing to drive it so far until they can get their point, I’ll say it again the residents live their lives and we HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, I hope that I was clear this time, go for a walk you fools and never come back


Tu es qui toi pour nous parler de cette façon on n’est pas en Russie tu te prends pour Poutine


Who are YOU to write such crap about Ariela and Sebastian? :rage:

If you have such a bad opinion of the two of them, then you’ve said it now and that should be the end of it.

cette réponse montre à nouveau quel niveau vous êtes, IQ juste assez pour pouvoir respirer

But why do you really think it’s the forum comments that push Ariela or Sebastin? You did not understand anything. They don’t care about us, they earn money, they make a living and if they’re good they also have fun. Here on the forum we only do poetry.


what’s stopping you from doing what A&S do, sign up and let us look into your life and you’ll get paid for it too, they get paid because they allow glimpses for us to see, that’s what this site is all about , voyeurism, do you want daily porn there are thousands of other sites for that, I recommend that you satisfy your needs there

Ariella leads this bang up, goes to fuck with Mass and it beats the dick at home sebasztian

you only want to provoke but on such behavior I prefer not to waste my time