Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Bags packed again :frowning_face:

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Sebastian is doing a puzzle and calls Ariela where she left the one piece he can’t find… :joy: :joy: :joy: :heart:

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have found it!

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So you can talk about them whatever grows on your lawn, but they are not allowed to speak?

From that you can see what a screwed up guy he is.

I think what he means is that his comments never been directed to any of them (Ariela&Seb), so he doesn’t want answers from them, he was just expressing an opinion like any other member of this forum does.

Looks to me to be directed at Ariela :thinking:

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Oh he was, in many sentences.

Lol, this is his answer to Ariela where he said that doesn’t want an answer from them. Lol, really??? all his previous comments been between him and other forum members, non directed to A&S but Ariela answer to them

Black out not fixed yet then :yawning_face:

Now the football match begins.

Boys and girls, enjoy your Saturday night!

Yep, same to you as well :hugs: :hugs:

You are right, time for you to s___p, you seem to be very tired. GN :wink: :wink: :hugs: :hugs:

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There’s been football on for the last 9hrs :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, but this one is most interesting for me, especially after spending the day in the ER.

I think Ariela is a very intelligent person. I enjoy her apartment and the fact that she doesn’t preform for the viewers. However, this is a voyeur web site, and we are looking for voyeur type of viewing. She is gone more than she is home, I’m paying to see her and not and empty apartment. You’re running a business and the product is your sexy body. You mention other viewers having sex to increase viewership they are doing what any normal business does and that’s to promote sales.

I realize you are out selling you products(body) on other sites but that does take away from our time. You might want to consider this next time you run out of the apartment.

Thank you

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I have a different view. He constantly throws dirt at Ariela & Sebastian without addressing them directly. I find it legitimate when Ariela describes her point of view to him. She has the same right to express herself here as all forum members.

The situation is similar between you and you know who I mean… :wink:

Yes, off course she has…

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Hopefully everything OK now :hugs: :hugs:

Perhaps you should have checked out the VHTV site a little more carefully before subscribing.

It says:

People you see online are not actors/porn actors, instead they are real people living their daily routine - work, fitness, parties, sex. There are no scenarios, no operators, no video edition or censorship - real life, real time. Each of these guys has his story and reasons, why he started participating in this project. Information about each person you can find on the web site.

It certainly doesn’t apply to all participants, but in Ariela’s case, it’s the same no matter what she does outside of the project. In any case, here she is a completely normal person who lives in an apartment and is being watched.

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