Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

It happens even for longer periods, all depending on what’s going on in their lives that you might not be aware of. Ive known couples who have been away from each other for months, and the the thing that is important before sex is to catch up.

Incredible stories and beliefs. This forum should cloe it is getting ridiculous

Without a forum, VHTV would be boring. I like to exchange ideas with people here.

There are trolls in every forum. Nobody can prevent that, but you can ignore them or stand up to them. Sometimes it’s useful and sometimes there’s nothing you can do but block them out.

But to close a forum because of that would be a bit exaggerated.

stole Ariela’s phone

yes, and the Pope was caught coming out of the whorehouse earlier.

You don’t think it’s boring to read irrelervant suppositions? If its gets too out of hand they should close it down.They have surviviued without it before and definitely can find another way. Maybe make it a pay forum to see if the irrelevance can be weeded out.

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There’s no point. Most people here pay for VHTV. And those who don’t pay are supposed to be attracted by the forum as new customers. So it would be a bad deal for VHTV.

Some people will disagree some will not, some will say it’s none of our business what they do, Which is quite right, it isn’t. but you cannot ignore what you can see, Ariela would rather s___p with one of her teddy bears, that one of her friends gave her, then to s___p with seb, and I don’t blame her for going out to get laid, because she isn’t getting any at home(and you can’t tell me she isn’t), she is totally different when she is with Austin, then she is with seb,we all know the history there, seb would rather jack off in the bath or even next to her, don’t get me wrong, they do love each other in their own way, and you can see glimpses of that at times, but they have joined this project to be scrutinized, and that is what the members of this forum is doing, as long that it’s not being disrespectful of the participants, let it continue

So why did you write that s__te :joy: :thinking:

Pro Wrestling Crying GIF by ALL ELITE WRESTLING

That was certainly not their aim. They are here because they earn money with it.
I could theorise about what their relationship is, but I won’t, because I’m probably wrong, like other people here.

I regularly read here how various users throw mud at Ariela and Sebastian and come up with wild theories about their relationship to each other and it just makes me want to puke when I read something like that.

I like Ariela very much. She is a beautiful girl and I like to watch her.
That’s the point of VHTV.
What she does, has done or will do outside this project is her private affair and has no place here in the forum. At least that is my opinion. And if you read Ariela’s comments here, she has never attacked or insulted anyone here. Why can’t the various posters here do the same to her?

If someone doesn’t like something about Ariela, then they don’t have to watch her. So simple!


Je pense que l’ours symbolise la séparation évidente entre Ariella et Sébastian

non ! :open_mouth: tu les connais personnellement ? :rofl:

Get well soon.


Then you got the wrong woman! LOL!!

Confused Gary Coleman GIF

Эй, Ариэль, ты все еще с Себастьяном? Я заметил, что люди больше не целуются, не обнимаются и не занимаются сексом друг с другом.

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Ariela is now a real cream slice :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart:

Enjoy your meal, Sebastian, you lucky devil! :wink: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:



Do you still have some of the cream on your bum, or is that a plaster??? :open_mouth:
How did you hurt your leg in the first place???