Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Yes))) offcourse))

Will the 12 characters all be visible to the free cameras or will some only be visible to the paid cameras?

I think that answers your question…

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Something especially for you @Torey179818

all cams. 13. one cam do not use

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time us up :wink:

So, in other words, someone with no subscription has no chance of winning.

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You got that right :+1:

That hardly seems fair.

Why? You can’t do something like that on only one cam… :stuck_out_tongue:

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a little patience. circumstances prevent us from being punctual (((

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sorry, had already prepared the video as a link, it had to come out :wink:


this idea was born spontaneously. I think we will consider this nuance in the future)

you can also ask for a screenshot

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Well, you could if you arrange the letters in different places within the visual range of whatever cams are free. I doubt that will happen, though, which is why I said it doesn’t seem fair.

Ok, how about a screenshot of all the letters at the same time the game starts. I bet that will go over like a lead balloon.

I meant general

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Well life is not always fair :wink:

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The purpose of the game is to find them. So a screenshot would be a bit stupid? :wink:

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Das Leben ist kein Ponyschlecken…und erst recht kein Zuckerhof! :crazy_face: (sinn wird außer uns keiner verstehen)

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I understand. I just thought it fair to point out a flaw in the game. You can handle it how you like.

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