Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

20 minutes ago she was still awake … so everything is fine for now

I posted my reply LOOOONG before I read theirs. Although, I probably would have posted it anyway because she deserved to be corrected.

Don’t worry, I’m not in the habit of feeding trolls, such as Algeciras and his incessant obsession with trying to piss off viewers in the Kira & Nina topic.

Offline Landlord visit.

Scavenger Hunt, Paper Hunt … Everywhere it is called differently, but means the same thing

If you feel you have more than one person trolling and following you around everywhere it probably has a lot more to do with you than the people actually being trolls…

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So, when did Amy learn German? :face_with_monocle:

Is the number more or less than single digits?? :thinking: :nerd_face: :brain:

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A high IQ or giftedness often goes hand in hand with social and communicative incompetence. no wonder, when everyone around you is so much stupider than you are, then you prefer to live in your own world.
… seen in this way, the IQ must really be extremely high

My favorite color is square. :nerd_face:

so… a little about what’s to come.

we placed symbols of the English alphabet in the apartment. both letters and symbols

We tried to ensure that only one character was visible on one camera. only twelve characters you need to find them. and compose a word or phrases.

and ALL characters must be specified.

The winner will be the first one to write the exact phrase by server time.

While Ariel is getting ready. I can answer questions.


Your apartment says it’s offline due to landlord visit.

will you give us a sign before you go online again?

just ignore the text there

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But why is it down as landlord visit and not just offline. Usually apartment that has landlord visits is offline for days.

maybe because someone clicked the wrong button for the message there, who knows. no one will have prepared a button ‘prepare quest’ :wink: and you can’t seem to enter free text there
‘private reasons’ might have been better

we don’t do shutdowns. just telling the time. the reason given by the managers.

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So twelve characters? Can only be:

Tanya loves us

Did i win a prize now? :partying_face:


But apartments with this reason landlord visit usually don’t come online quick so we won’t have a chance to figure out the game. I know you can’t put the apartment offline.

we will also submit a pull request. when everything is ready for the game)