Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

I didn’t write this, but I believe it to be true.

Life is not fair - this is total bulls__t.

In reality, life or existence is neither fair nor unfair. Existence just is; life flows as it is meant to. Is there a master blueprint somewhere which has the details of how life should proceed every second on earth for each of us? There is no concrete evidence or proof of this.

In reality, existence does not favor anyone more than another. Vivekananda would say, “Not even a single atom in this universe can be different than how it is, for that would destroy the balance of the universe and the entire system would collapse.”

I don’t get the pony licking bit, but I understand the sugar yard reference. You’re basically saying life isn’t fair. See my previous post.

Seb said we could ask, so I asked.


somewhere there is always a balance, sometimes one has an advantage, sometimes the other

or in other words from personal experience: sometimes you lose, sometimes the others win :crazy_face:

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is a play on words :wink: the saying actually means either ‘pony farm (or yard)’ or ‘licking sugar’. someone then mixed up the words…

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a couple of lines left. I think 10 minutes

Night all. My pillow has been calling way longer than usual. Have fun. Maybe someone can post the letters after the game is over, and I can play it posthumously.

well, will make little sense, the solution should be posted here. then you only get the puzzles afterwards

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How will this game work do we message you with our answer or do we post here in the topic.

waiting for inclusion

oh, good and important question. i had that

interpreted as here. but I’m probably wrong. PM makes a lot more sense


Yes. Who first.

@Sebastian i know that you can do this better :wink:

waiting for inclusion

Online))) let’s go


Are these symbols from your own language or the English language.

They said english earlier.

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Ok. thanks.

This is way to hard i can’t find them on some cams.

Found a few, not all